What Really Happened, An Explanation of The Last Chapter

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It was last night

A dream

And it was so clear

So fucking

Crystal perfect

Deep in my mind

Buried amongst extra pillows and blankets

And sheets

Brought in to combat summer heat

You were there


Full of this sorrow

Pity for yourself

So ready to be hated or punished

But that would never happen

That would never happen because I would never do that to you


Here is how it went

The sequence of events

I was fast asleep

I think diagonally

On a body pillow

Covered in duvet and within a sheet

The fan running on high

I felt a tug

From the right side of the bed


Seeing if I'm awake

I groaned

A mix of fear



Then I remember our conversation on the left

After I'd stop being scared

And had sat

Bolt upright

Scaring your bambi like way

So clearly poised in the dark

While my reflection for once

It didn't show the same manner back to me

Only because my mirrors were too dark

But really I was as scared as you.


We were standing on the other side of my bed

You told me



Now this is the part

That makes me sure it was a dream

Because I know I just have a paranoid fear

Probably of the dark and squeaks of floors

Confined to what seems like my room only

But you said

That you were the one

The one that had been watching over me

The catalyst of my fears

But protector of self too

And I wish that you had said you loved me

To no avail though

I only saw it in your eyes

You just looked down


And I kinda dived

Tackled you to the ground

You expected it was violently

The readers might see it as sexually

But it really

Was a hug

And I remember saying

It was fine

And you're perfect

And I love you

And I will protect you

Because instead of saying you love me

You said you had to go

And that you couldn't come back

And I could fucking feel

Within my heart and trembling hands

That you were in trouble

And my heart lurched

Because I just me you

And i wasn't about to be without

And I guess


At some point we got up

And after however many hours

Or whatever stretch of time

I woke up


That was my first dream

Before going back to sleep


The second round


Mindless bullshit

With nothing about you

Which is fucked

Because I need to know you

What is your name

What us your story

Do you love me back as clearly and strongly

Or is it nothing

And just a dream

If a cruel mind


You were amazing to meet


To do so again

Would be



And to have you stay

Would be even motherfucking more so

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