Growing, Together

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I don't know if I like the phrase 'growing pains'
It makes me smile

And grit my teeth

Because it reminds me of the past

But it also makes me remember
How grateful I am

That we haven't grown apart

I don't know what I'd do without you

Because we went through our growing pains together

Periods, crushes, coming out

Even from a distance
Your smile feels like a hug
That fills me with hope

For our future

Hopefully together

Ten years we've managed to last
And its my only prayer
That we stay together

Through every new love
Every broken heart
Every awkward phase
Existential crisis
Or Dumb fight

You help me so much more than you realise

And I promise you're not her

I respect you too much

(Lmao like a year or so after I wrote this my best friend who this is ab came out as trans so he's really really not her, we love a double meaning so hidden it has to reveal itself😂)

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