𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 48

873 69 9

Me and Michelle were hanging out just eating and talking but lately I've been feeling so weak, I know I'm pregnant but I never felt like this with Alissa and Josiah it's just weird. "sis you okay?" Michelle says eating one of her fries, "yeah but I don't feel good I just wanna lay-". Before I could finish my sentence I felt the urge to throw up, I got up from my seat went to the nearest garbage bin and let it all out. Once I was done I wiped my mouth let out a deep breath. "India you want me to take you home? You don't look too good". "yeah take me home please I just wanna sleep" I sighed. "Come on let's go" She said, we left Corner Bistro and she took me home.

I walked into the house as I heard Michelle drive off, "Hey baby did you have fun?" Tray said with Alissa on his lap. "Yea I had fun I just wanna lay down and sleep" I breathed out, "Alright go get some rest and I'll be down here still if you need me"He said looking worried but tried not to show it. I gave him a little smile before going upstairs to our room. Everything became blurry I stumbled around the room trying to find my way to the bed, before I could get there I collapsed to the ground and felt too weak to get up.

🌤T r a y 🌤
I was tickling Alissa and we heard a loud thud come from upstairs. "India!" I shouted taking Alissa off my lap but I got no response. "Come on Alissa lets check on mommy" I said as we both got up from the couch. We rushed upstairs into the room Josiah was on the ground holding India and she laid there. "Baby get up" I said rushing to her, "Tray I can't move" she said as tried keeping her eyes open. "Kids go to your room, I'll take care of mommy" I say. They both nodding before leaving and going to their rooms. "We gotta get you to the hospital". "No Tray just help me up and get me in bed" India said.

I nodded before picking her up bridal style and softly laid her on the bed. "Are you sure you're gonna be okay?" I asked. "Yea just let me go to sleep don't worry about me" She told me, "just call out my name and I'll be there in a second" I say she nodded then I left the room.

Whatever's going on with India I hope it isn't bad.

𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫 𝐰𝐞𝐞𝐤𝐬 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫
I finally went to the doctor to find out what was going on with me since I was really worried the nausea has gotten worse and I just kept getting weaker. "Doc is it bad" I said fidgeted with my hands, "so um India you...." what the doctor said will be revealed later on. After the news I got from the doctor I asked my sister if she could pick me up and if I could stay with her for a while just because I didn't wanna be around the kids and Tray knowing what I know, I wasn't ready to tell them. "So what did they say?" Michelle said as I got in the car. "I'll tell you once we get to your house" I say. "Fine with me" She said.

Once we got to her house I explained everything the doctor said she told me to tell Tray and kids whenever I was ready. Days go by and I keep avoiding Tray, I know I just have the guts to say what's going on but I don't want things to change, I've been meeting up with my doctor all day and night so I can keep him updated.


come home.

                             I can't right now I'm sorry Tray

why not? Please talk to me. Is there another nigga in the picture? Like let me know.

no Tray of course not...it's just complicated I'm just dealing with my own stuff rn.
read at 2:33pm

𝐚 𝐝𝐚𝐲 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐫

Why India just why..

why'd you do it..

I love you

I trusted you and you do me like this? Just what did I do for you to cheat on me?

am I not enough

Tray I don't know what you are you talking about...

don't lie India... I saw you with him

I seen you smiling with him... what does he do that I don't?

Tray I'm not cheating on you I swear

then tell me why you were with him. Tell me why you aren't here with me anymore.

I can't right now..

exactly India... you can't, so why'd you do it? I've gave you everything I tried being a better person for you! I'll never love you the same India.


A tear fell down my cheek and I quickly wiped it, I was right back at the doctors office waiting for some more bad news about my health.
I wasn't cheating, I was with my doctor discussing the cancer that was growing inside of me . The reason I smiled was because the doctor said to think about why I had to fight the cancer, who I had fight the cancer for so I could be with them.

I thought of Tray, and smiled.  I don't want to tell him that I have cancer, so I would make up little lies and tell him that I need more space so I could go to my checkups. I hate the fact that he thinks I'm cheating, but I really don't want to tell him I have cancer.  He'll start to worry and that's the last thing he needs to do.  The doctor finally comes in and tells me that it'll probably go away but until then I don't have much time left.


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