Chapter Eight

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"WOAH, LOTTE? I thought you were going to a family reunion?"

The Jonah guy from the airport was right in front of me, holding the door close while girls were screaming outside.

Don't tell me he's part of that man-band.

My mouth was dry. I couldn't say anything.

His eyes then widened in realization as I put my head in my hands, Mia looking at the two of us in curiosity.

"Y-you!" He gasped.

"Me." I mumbled.

"Holy shit, you're Charlotte Elora Ryans!" He exclaimed, locking the door and then pointing at me.

How did he-- oh right, the nametag.

The flickity flucking nametag and lapel that they attached to our flucking clothes.

I hate having everyone hear everything I say.

I don't remove it in the bedroom though; revenge.

Haha, listen to me sleep, ya flickity flucking creep.

"I am."

I'm pretty sure I was red in embarrassment.

I hate lying now.

Gosh, why the flickity fluck did I have to lie about my places to-go.

Oh and, gosh, why did Jonah have to be part of that man-band?!

And to think I actually found him cute.

I still do.. but that's besides the point!

I completely embarrassed myself.

I buried my face in my hands in embarrassment.

"Why are you so embarra--" I cut Mia off.

"We met in the airport, we travelled here in NYC together. We landed together." I filled her in.

"Oh and you didn't know he was--"

I cut her off again, "No, I definitely did not."

Her eyes widened, "And you--"

"Yes I told him that.. family reunion, yeah."

She then connected two and two together.

Her mouth then formed an 'o'.

Then the country girl laughed.

"This is gonna be quite the show, bestie."

I scowled at her.

Amelia whatever-her-last-name-is laughed at my sake.

I will get that little cow. Wait till I lay my hands on her.

I then turned back to Jonah, who looked a little confused.

"If you have any questions, kindly ask before I die in embarrassment." I bit my lip in shame.

Yes, shame on Lotte.

Jonah clicked his tongue while looking at me, "Why'd you lie about going to a reunion?"

Should I tell him I found him good looking, to the extent that i lied about not going to a telly show because he might be turned off?


Of course.

Its a no for me.

I shrugged, "Didn't think we'd see each other after that day. I mean NYC is pretty big. You could have been a stalker, for all I know. Plus, I'm not the only one at fault, you never told me you were part of man-band."

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