One Hundred And Six

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“Aye, Get your back off the wall, don’t you get comfortable, looking so hot I think that I might fall.”

“Feeling like it’s my birthday, like Christmas day came early, just what I want so when we move, you move!”

“Can you two shut up?”

Startled I looked up from shelves of Cereal down the aisle to where Luke and Charlie were singing loudly while looking at the wide variety of different Chex Mix.

“Lighten up!” Jess laughed, poking Michael in the side, before dropping a box of pop tarts in the cart.

It had been nearly a month since Destiny had woken up, in that time Michael and I had made up, which pretty much just consisted of me groveling until he finally gave in and forgave me, and so I had rejoined the band. And after that, things were really kind of, peaceful. Harry and Jay were still dating, and not really surprising anyone so were Calum and Grace and as much as it turned my stomach to think about, I think Gabby had a little something for Niall.

Long story short, things were going good, and then, like always, they fell to shit.

“Can we get these ones!” Luke shrieked, running down the aisle towards us, carrying a box of repulsive looking green cereal.

“Luke you already made us get purple ketchup.” Michael snapped, “We’re not getting green cereal.”

“Please!” Luke whined.

“Put it back Luke,” Calum sighed.

Frowning, Luke shuffled back over to where he had found the cereal and angrily replaced it, before returning to the cart.

“You may pick out a normal cereal.” Michael sighed, “None of this weird, shit you keep showing me.”

Scowling, Luke picked up a box of plain cheerios.

“Seriously?” Grace laughed, “How do you go from glow in the dark Pirate Pops to plain cheerios?”

“I like them,” he replied, “They look like little donuts so when I eat them I feel like a giant.”

“Good God,” Michael muttered, massaging his temples.

“So can I get them?” Luke asked.

“Yes,” Michael sighed, “Just put them in the cart.”

“Yay!” Luke cried, “Thank you Mikey.”

“Shut up.” Michael snapped.

Holding on to Destiny’s hand I looked in the cart which was filled with candy, cheerios, Raman noodles, pop tarts, and several different varieties of donuts.

“Are we almost done?” Calum muttered.

“Yeah,” Michael sighed, “We just need to get Kool-Aid, since Luke wrote it on the list twelve times.”

“Kool-Aid is cool.” Luke replied, “It’s like sand, then you put it in water and it magically becomes a heavenly drink! It’s like a beach and a beverage!”

“Kool-Aide is why your brain is about the size of a walnut.” Calum muttered.

“What?” Luke asked.

“I said maybe if you calmed it down with the kool-aide and instead went to Kumon, you wouldn’t be so stupid.” Calum replied.

“Cal!” Grace cried, “Be nice.”

“What’s Kumon?” Luke questioned.

“It’s like that math place you used to go.” Micahel sighed, pushing the cart down the drink isle.

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