Part Twenty-Three

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The small restaurant seeming to increase in temperature about five hundred degrees I licked my lips nervously and looked over at Harry, his green eyes still red from crying watching me pleadingly.

The poor guy had never wronged me and all people seemed to do was wrong him. His boyfriend was abusive, his best friend was a total tool, nowhere in sight when he needed someone most, and he was still kind of drunk, that with the ridiculous costume he was wearing more or less equaled wearing a 'Hey, come mug me please' sign on his back.

Tearing my gaze away from his desperate face I glanced over at Michael Luke and Calum all watching me anxiously, well Calum and Luke were, Michael looked about ready to hurl. His normally pale face an alarming shade of green.

"Ash," Harry whispered, "Are you coming?"

Sighing, I opened my mouth to speak however closed it again.

"Come on Ashton," Calum said slowly, "Don't go with him."

Wishing the floor would just open up and swallow me I parted my lips to speak again when the door swung open revealing a tall, extremely attractive girl wearing a rather revealing mouse costume.

The other boy's followed my gaze, immediately earning a glower from Calum while Michael let out a cat call.

"Sit down Mikey," the girl huffed rolling her eyes and crossing over to the counter.

"Mali-koa what the hell are you doing here?" Calum hissed, "I thought I told you to wait in the car."

"Um, who's the older sibling here?" she retorted sarcastically, "Oh right, not you."

"You tell him sugar tits!" Michael cheered.

"Michael how many times do I have to tell you I'm not into little boys," Mali-koa chuckled, checking over the menu.

"I'm not a little boy," Michael laughed, "I'm all man."

"He's not wrong," Luke piped up, "He darn near handicapped a girl with his trouser snake."

"Luke!" Calum cried.

"What?" Luke asked innocently.

Laughing, Mali-koa turned to face him, "It's cute Luke, you sticking up for your friend and all, but I'm pretty sure I've inserted tampons bigger then Michael's.... thang."

"Mali!" Calum shrieked, blushing furiously.

"Lighten up," she replied, rolling her eyes.

"I can't!" Calum cried, "Not with you parading around in whatever the hell you want to call what you're wearing! What even are you?"

Rolling her eyes Mali-koa pointed to a pair of mouse ears on the top of her head, "I'm a mouse, duh."

"Hey Mini mouse," Michael purred, "Why don't you let me be your Mickey."

"How about no," calum sighed.

"Why not?" Michael pouted, "I could be your tutor."

"I'm in college Michael," Mali sighed.

"I have a few things I could teach you," Michael replied.

"Not interested," Mali laughed.

"Are you sure?" Michael asked, staggering to his feet, "I could teach you how to add your bed, subtract your clothes, divide your legs and multiply."

"Michael!" Calum shrieked, "That's my sister!"

"I can't help it man, the Cliffoconda's a predator." Michael answered, raising his eyes brows and gesturing to his pants.

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