Part Seventy-Eight

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I woke up the next morning to a scream.

Startled, I sat bolt upright in bed, as did Luke and Charlie who were asleep in the bed next to me.

"What the fuck?!" Michael shouted, before there was a loud crash front the main part of the room.

Throwing a t-shirt over my head I stumbled out of bed, and rubbing the sleep out of my eyes made my way into the main part of the hotel room where Michael, was examining his knuckles, a large hole, marking the wall behind him.

"What are you doing?" Luke shrieked, from next to me.

"Fuck you, you mother fuc.....ugh!" Michael screamed, crossing over to me and grabbing me by the front of the shirt before slamming me into the wall.

"Michael!" Charlie screamed, "Get off him!"

Ignoring her, he slammed me back into the wall again, my head throbbing, I tried to pry him off of me, however he only moved closer.

"Michael!" Luke shrieked, "Stop it!"

"What the hell is wrong with you?" Michael shouted.

"What?" I whimpered, "What did I d...."

"Don't even Ashton!" he spat, "You low life, damn germ!"

"Michael!" Charlie shouted, as he raised his fist.

Cowering, I covered my face, "Mikey, I don't know what I did!" I pleaded, "I'm sorry!"

"You don't know what you did?" he laughed, "God, I should throw you out of the band you ass hole! You've taken this too far!"

"What did he even do?" Luke demanded.

Laughing, Michael took a step back, his grip on me slackening, before he punched me in the gut.

"Micahel!" Luke screamed.

Groaning, I dropped to my knees. A look of pure furry crossing over his face, he reeled back to punch me, in the face, however before he could Charlie dove in front of him.

"Stop it!" she shouted, as his fist froze, an inch away from her nose.

"What is your problem?" Luke demanded kneeling down next to me.

"What's my problem?" he laughed, "Check your twitter!"

Looking confused, Luke pulled his phone out of his pocket and opened the twitter app.

"What?" he asked.

"Go to trending hashtags." Michael spat, glowering down at me like he wanted to stop my head until my brains oozed out.

Luke tapped away at his phone for a minute before freezing and letting out a soft, 'Oh,' of surprise.

"What is it?" Charlie asked.

"Yeah, what is it Luke?" Michael growled, "Please share."

Licking his lips Luke opened his mouth then closed it, "Um," he whispered, "#DestinyBoobies #DestinyTheBooblessWonder #WTFAreThese #DestinyTheBooblessSlut #Destiny....."

Feeling sick, I ripped the phone from his hands, and tapped the hash tag, #WTFAreThese and began scanning the tweets which all depicted, different disgusted reaction pictures of the boys and I, reacting to the picture of Destiny.

My heart sinking, I tapped on #DestinyTheBooblessSlut.

@fukmyassluke_ : WTF why would she send Ashton her nudes, my eight year old brother has bigger boobs then her.

@123lukecalandashy : Can Destiny like go die honestly, no one likes her.

@asslikeho0d : I'm lmfao what a slut! Her boobs are lopsided.

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