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“Holy..” I let out as I saw the island being turned to ash. Kohl group was just burning the whole thing down and the Therionthrope was doing something, but what he does have left a trail of bodies.

“What is the Therinothrope doing?” Hanna asked as she looked around. “The Therionthrope  sucks the element energy out of you leaving you with no power.  Then since your defenseless  it then eats you.”

            We all just stood there in silence watching what was happening. You could hear the screams and the cry for helps and I just couldn’t stand it anymore.

            I took off running right into the center of it all. I could hear footsteps behind me and looked to my right and saw Jason.

            “Don’t you dare leave without all of again, Ally. We are in this together,” Jason said through breathes.

            I smiled and looked back seeing everyone else follow behind. “I’m sorry, its just…” “I know you just want to save them all.”

            I nodded because that’s exactly what I want to do. I kept on running forward and finally came to the bunks.

            I stopped in my tracks. They were all burnt to the ground and there wasn’t any sign of life.

            “Anyone there!” I yelled looking through the rumble. “Hello!” I said turning over any other piece of wood and I collapsed to the floor.

            Lying on the ground was just a little girl whose whole face was already becoming skeleton like.

            “Ally..” I heard a voice say  and I looked up to seeShelby. “Shelby,” I got up feeling some hope and ran over to her.

            “What’s happening?” I asked andShelbyjust took my hand. “Ally do you remember everything.”

            I nodded. “Everything, I am so sorry what I did to Jacques. Is he okay?”Shelbynodded. “He is fine. He is helping with the evacuation.”

            “Has the Elite guardian force come in yet?” Jason asked andShelbysmiled. “I knew there was something to you.”

            Jason grinned but thenShelbyface went grim. “The forces did come in Jason, and well Kohl was right. He had all his men out there and the elite guardian force did have the advantage but then the Therinthrope got involved….and well it was a blood bath after that. From what I saw none of the Elite Guardian force made it out alive.”

            Harry grabbed Jason shoulder. “Jason I’m so sorry.” Jason head was hanging for a good minute and we all had a good minute of silence for them.

            When that minute was up  Jason looked up. “Can I help with the rescue force?” Jason said sounding as calm as possible.

            “You all can,”Shelbyreplied “But Ally Jacques and I need to tell you something.”

            “Let me guess you’re the protectors or something,” Hanna said more as  a joke but then when I looked atShelbyher face didn’t change. If I really think about it, it got serious.

            “Is that true?” I askedShelbyand she nodded. “Well at least we have a chance now.” Samuel replied.

           Shelbynodded her head. “We do but we need to get everyone out of this island first.”

            “Follow me.”Shelbystarted to walk at a brisk pace and we all followed behind her. The island was worse then I thought. Even  in the moonlight you could see the blood that was everywhere.

            The therionthrope was about miles away from where we are so atleast the rescue efforts did not have to worry about that.

            We reached one of the end of the island near the hospital that was surrounded by Unwants.

            “Shelby, please my arm is bleeding,” an Unwant said but there was so many of them asking fro help thatShelbycouldn’t.

            “I will help ,just wait everyone.”Shelbyyelled as she went into the hospital. It  was quiet in the  hospital andShelbyquickly walked through  it to the exit door.

            There were stairs leading down to a dock where there were a bunch of boats. I could see in the distance some have already left.

            I could also see Jacques. “Jacques!” I yelled running to him and hugging him. “I’m so sorry for everything.” I said sadly.

            Jacques patted my back and pulled me back so I can look into his eyes. “It’s done Ally.Shelbytold you?”

            I nodded. “That you guys are the protectors?” Jacques nodded. “And we need your help to get the Therionthrope off this island. So let’s quickly get everyone else out on this island.”

I nodded. “Come on you guys, we need to get everyone else off this island.”

 For the next two hours was just trying to get people in a line and escort through the hospital and on the boats.

            Some were just crying and it hurt when it was the little kids. I tried not to cry in front of them and instead comforted them that they will be okay.

            That once there on that boat they are free. “What will I do once I get to shore?” one little boy asked me.

 I looked up and Harry and I made eye contact. “You aren’t going to get into trouble that’s the first thing. Your going to knock on someone door and ask if they will help you. When they see your cute little face there surely take you in.”

The little boy smiled at that and I smiled back. “Then your go to school, make friends ,go to college and live a normal life and forgot everything that happen on this island. You understand me?”

            The little boy nodded and hugged me. I smiled and patted his head. “Com  on get on the boat.”

            The boy took Jacques hand as he climbed on the boat and a he waved goodbye to me .I waved back and couldn’t help but hold back a tear.

            I really hope everyone just makes it out of here okay. I let out a deep breathe and looked at the still water. Maybe we all just might make it out of here alive.

            “ALLLY WATCH OUT!!!” I heard Jason yelled and in the water I could see something red. I turned around to see a huge massive Fireball coming right at me. 

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