" Holding a sign"-P.2

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“Did we really think it wouldn’t get out?”

            “Being on this island this long, I really hoped it wouldn’t”

            “But it has so what do we do?”

            “What we were created to do.”

            “I know its just….its going to come at a price.”

            “Hopefully its not too  high a price to pay.”

We walked through the door that was just a very long tunnel. I stayed in the back with Jason in front.

“Any ideas of how to kill that thing.” I whispered to Jason. Jason turned around and walked alongside me.

“Ally there is something  I have to tell you.” Jason  said in a serious voice and I just nodded. “What Jason?”

Jason looked at me and then at the ground. “Well I have kind of been lying to you the whole time. You see I was a trouble Unwant when I  was younger. I was out of control and one day they kidnapped me and the next thing I knew I ended up on this island. I was a slave and they treated me like one. I worked out in the burning sun all day and went to bed with aching bones. I was get tired of living this life so I heard that someone wanted to escape. I walked to him and he agreed. That someone Ally was Harry.”

“Wait Harry was in the Blackmarket!” I said a little bit to loud and everyone turned around including Harry who was giving Jason a look.

“Telling your life story are you Jason. Well speak up, I think everyone wants to hear.”

I gave Jason an apologetic look and he just smiled. “Its fine Ally, might as well tell them all.”

Jason raised his voice so Hanna who was all the way at the top could hear. “So I was on the same island as Harry. I wanted to leave and heard Harry was so I asked him if he could take me with him.”

“More like you beat me till I said yes.” Harry yelled and everyone laughed. “Really Jason?” I asked and he winked.

“So we left at the middle of night by fighting, drugging the guards, and hitching  a ride on the fairboat that came by regular. By the time we made it to shore Harry and I  were like brothers and promised we would watch out for each other. We then went our separate ways.”

“Why didn’t you just stick together?” Natalie asked and I nodded. “Yeah why didn’t you.”

Harry was the one that spoke. “I wasn’t really stable then and didn’t want anyone around me. I told Jason to go off without me.”

“I tired to tell him to come with me but he didn’t want to. If you had come with me Harry you would have been part of the guard.”

“What guard?” I asked and Jason looked at at me. “Well Ally I still got myself in a bit of trouble and one day the Elite Guardian fighting force for Unwants found me. They found promise in me though, first time in my life, and so I agreed to train. I rose through the ranks and you are now looking at the head of the Elite fighting force for Unwants.”

“Am I suppose to bow or something?” I asked and Jason laugh. “Most do, your friend did but its fine. We are short on time here.”

I couldn’t help smile. Jason did seem like the type who wouldn’t want others to bow to him just because he is in a higher position then them.

“So how exactly did you get here?” I asked. Jason got serious again. “Well we were hearing things that there was something going on in this island that might poise a threat. After some research we found it might be the Therionthrope but we weren’t  sure. Someone had to come check and  I couldn’t trust that responsibility  with anyone but me. So I went back to my ways for a few weeks, and got caught just in time to see to be on the same truck as you.”

I smiled remembering when we met  “I remember you telling me.” Jason smiled. “ I kind of new who you were and took it as a sign that something was going on in this island and once I did some digging and that day we went to the pool I  actually found the therionthrope . All suspension were gone ad I called in reinforcements. They should be coming hopefully they are here.”

“Thats a relief. The other dominius might be scared to do anything until  they see others doing something.” Samuel replied.

“I’m sorry I let it out you  guys.” I mumbled and felt Jason pull me into hug. “You did what you did. Its done. All we can do now is evacuate the island.”

“Defiantly. “ Hanna replied back.I looked at Jaosn and smiled. “Thank you.” I whispered and he nodded. “Does anyone  have any ideas of how to stop the Therinthrope  then ” I asked and was met with no reply for  a while.

 “I was told something in case the Therionthrope did get out.” Jason began looking at me. “And what was that ?” Harry replied.

“That there are  protectors that guard the Therionthrope. Nobody know how long they have actually been here but they can stop the Therionthrope with the help of an Air  so all we have  to do is find them.”

“Are they going to be holding a sign or something?” Hanna asked dryly. “uhh..no but they will be out there helping out so we just go tot look out.” Jason replied and I nodded.

Hanna stopped asking and we realized we came to the end of the tunnel. I walked forward and took  deep breathe.

“Ready?”  I asked everyone and they all nodded. I pushed the door ready to face what was on the otherside.

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