I'm just a reject

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So the title of this Chapter  has nothing and i mean NOTHING to do with the words that are actually in it. So don't expect any correlation between the title and what you're reading right now because you will be let down. :)

So I have decided to write a new Harry fanfic. I have already written the first chapter and I really like it so far, the title is called Deception  and so I decided that I would share the first chapter with you all! If you like it then go to my profile and add my story Deception  to your reading list so that it will update you when the second chapter is posted! I really hope you like it and if you all could please comment your thoughts on it, if you are interested in reading it, let me know. Pleeeease give it a shot, if you like my preferences then you are 100% guaranteed to love my new fanfic. So here we go!

Deception- Chapter 1

Growing up is easy, most people say it’s hard, but that’s not true. Everyone grows up and everyone has to experience it, the hard part is what happens while we grow up. The heart breaks of relationships ending, the lies told in the midst of the relationship, relatives passing away, school getting harder, that’s what makes it hard. Growing up is easy, it’s just the bullshit we go through that makes it hard.

Looking back on the past year is the worse feeling, it happens all the time, I think about all the hearts I broke, all the people I hurt and it kills me. It absolutely kills me. It wasn’t my fault though, I mean it was and I guess I should be blamed for it all but I didn’t know exactly what I was doing when I was doing it. Look at it this way, I made a mistake, a lot of mistakes, but it’s in the past and we all have some growing up to do. It all started my sophomore year of high school. I had made it through that dreaded freshman year where everyone basically babied you all year long and all the upperclassman clearly looked down on us all for being Fresh meat. It was awful and I’m so thankful it’s over with. I couldn’t wait to be a sophomore, I couldn’t wait to finally be a part of actual high school and make some fun memories not just be the newbies. Driving came this year, new friends, new everything sophomore year felt like a clean slate. It’s funny that I used to think that about that year, really funny actually, because in the end that’s where it all fucked up.


“Brooke!” I heard a squeal coming from the lunchroom door. I screamed when I saw my best friend Makayla walking towards me. I ran up and my huge hug enveloped her entirely in my arms. “Brooke oh my god, I have missed you so much! I basically saw you 2 weeks ago but still” She said laughing it off and I did the same. That’s the thing about having a best friend relationship like Makayla and I did, we didn’t have to see each other for weeks upon weeks but when we finally saw each other again it was like we spent no time apart. “It’s crazy how fast this summer went by! I’m so tired of school and I’ve literally been here for 5 minutes” “Wow, glad to see you’re enthused about a new year” “Aren’t I always super pumped to spend like 200 days sitting around annoying people for seven hours a day, I’m always ecstatic about it.” I said as we found an empty lunch table as we waited for the morning bell to ring to dismiss us all to our next class. “I still can’t get over the fact that for the second year in a row we don’t have any classes together.” I sighed and rolled my eyes annoyed as well “I know, it’s so stupid.” “Hey beautiful you look great today, love your hair.” A familiar voice said in my ear as the smell of his cologne basically rolled off of him. I turned my head up to face Harry, my boyfriend of about 8 months. We had dated in the seventh grade and I broke up with him after a couple of months but that doesn’t count, not really. Middle school relationships are hard to determine whether they actually count as “Dating” or not. You can’t drive so it’s basically like your parents babysitting you while you hangout with someone of the opposite sex, I don’t know, I just don’t think it really counts. Unless you do more than the typical “awh I love you so much” and kiss, then I would consider it a real relationship, or just 2 stupid horny teenagers not knowing what they’re doing. I guess it’s a little bit of both, really. “Hi babe” I said as I pulled on his collared shirt so his lips perfectly met mine. He plumped down in the chair next to me and threw his sling-over backpack in the seat next to him. He was really smiley today, really energetic basically the polar opposite of me today. “Echem” I heard Makayla use her voice to pull our attention over to her. She was sitting in her lunch seat with her arms spread open and a fake-pissed-off expression plastered on her face. She was staring Harry down and without saying anything, she was insisting on her hug that she deserved from him. He rolled his eyes but smiled at her and got up to engulf her in a hug. “good to see you too” she joked modestly with him. “always a pleasure Kay” He said with a wink as he returned to his seat next to me. Harry and Makayla had been friends since the seventh grade, before I had even met Harry, in fact Makayla was the one to introduce me to him, so seeing the two of them act the way they do never bothered me. I knew Kay never had a thing for him, she always said he was too muscular for her, that he would crush her if they ever even did anything. Which sounds far-fetched I know, but Kay is so tiny, she is 5’0 even and literally weighs about 92 pounds. She is tiny, so a guy like Harry could probably crush her if he wanted to. Harry’s arm immediately found it’s place around my waist and I had never felt so comfortable than I had right then. I was with my best friend and my boyfriend and it was just a new beginning for everyone right then, it felt nice. 

If you liked it tell me, if you are excited for chapter 2 tell me, if you hated it tell me. I need feed back guys!!

Love as always,

Kate Xx

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