"I can't" 2/5

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Just a reminder that the contest winner will be announced Friday!!

Louis- You ran into the bathroom and slammed the door closed. You heaved out a heavy sigh as the tears gently strolled down your reddened cheeks. You pressed your back against the bathroom door and slowly slid down until you were sat on the tiled bathroom floor. You pulled your knees into your chest and cried into them. You stayed in that position for what seemed like forever, but must've only been a couple of minutes. Suddenly there was abrupt knocking on the bathroom door and a voice you knew so well. A voice that usually is so loving and kind but only moments ago was raised and furious over something so small. "Y/N.. open the door." Louis' soft voice echoed into the small room. It was almost as if you couldn't hear him. You crawled helplessly to your drawer and pulled out an old friend. You held the small blade in your hand and watched the light shimmer against the fresh metal. You smiled a little as you pressed the blade to your wrist, but stopped yourself. "You can't.." you say to yourself. What if Louis sees.. c'mon Y/N you're stronger than this. You think to yourself trying to talk yourself out of it. But there was something pulling you to it, making you crave the sting. It was almost as if your inner-demons were begging you to do it. You could practically hear the voice in your head as you fought with yourself. No one will notice.. No one cares enough to notice. You dropped the blade and wrapped your arms around your head. You heard Louis saying something but it all sounded like a cloud of mumbles. "Oh my God, I'm going insane.." you say to yourself as you turn your attention to the mirror. You look at your shattered appearance and wince at the awful sight. You notice the deep circles beneath your eyes, and the heavy lines that had increased a ton lately. You run your hands through your hair and carefully open the bathroom door to see a teary-eyed Louis facing you. You look at him through pained eyes. He reaches his arms out to pull you into a very apologetic hug. You fall perfectly into his arms as he talks quietly in your ear. 'I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." he said pulling out of the hug you had embraced. You watched as he turned his attention to your wrists. You watched his eyes examine the little scars that lined them, he had seen so many times before. You felt your cheeks redden as you try to cover them up. He gently leans down and kisses the top of your forehead. You look up into his crystal blue eyes as he began to speak. "You're my little warrior.." He said as tears filled his eyes again. "And I'm so proud of you."

Liam- "I don't know what it is... I just- I can't loose the weight."You say to yourself as you watch your reflection mimic your movements. You lifted up your shirt to what you saw as not good enough, but to others, what they saw as anorexia. Your hipbones couldn't be more obvious. Your thigh gap had turned into an entire leg gap, your collar bones were prominent, your wrists barely looked like skin was on top of it, but all you saw when you looked in the mirror, was 'Fat' you hated it. "Fat, such a disgusting word, such a disgusting body." you say to yourself as you ran your fingers along your hipbones. When Liam seemed to become concerned with your weight and how skinny you were, you told him you were trying this new workout program that caused you to loose a lot of weight, and then put on a lot of muscle weight. He seemed to believe you. You threw your shirt down sick of looking at your disappointing reflection and ran to the bathroom. "You've got to be skinnier, have to lose the weight." You sit by the toilet and begin the usual process of removing the last meal you had enjoyed. suddenly you felt a hand begin to rub your back. You turn around and see that Liam is right there, just like always. You collapse into his arms and he suddenly pulls away and looks at you through tear-filled eyes. "Y/N, I'm so... I am so worried about you. You're so skinny." You almost take offense to that. "I'm not "too skinny" I'm not skinny enough." You look at him with disgust clearly resting in your eyes. "Y/N, stop. Please stop talking like this! You are 5'5, and you weigh as much as a fourth grader Y/N! You stopped having your periods, you are beginning to look like a skeleton, and it's not healthy!! I want to be there for you, but I know you owon't listen and it is so hard to watch you..." He turns his head to the floor as he cries to himself. Your heart breaks at the sight. "Have you ever-" his voice cracks a little as he manages to speak. "Have you ever had to watch the person you love destroy themselves?"

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