You are Jealous of a Pretty Fan

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You are Jealous of a Pretty Fan (His P.O.V.)

Zayn- Y/N and I were walking down the street after going to Starbucks to grab a cup of coffee. My arm was tight around her waist as she walked close to me. We went to the convenience store to grab a snack for later. Once she grabbed her oreos we headed toward the checkout line. I pull out my wallet when the cashier told me the total, she kept staring at me.. She was really making me feel uncomfortable. She was pretty, not nearly as pretty as Y/N though. I handed her the money and she placed it in the drawer. "Have a great day" she said smiling at us both. As we were walking home and Y/N was really quiet. I didn't say anything at first just in case she was mad and might start yelling. I didn't want to start a scene so I decided I would just ask her when we got back home. "Baby girl, are you alright?" "I'm fine.." she responded clearly lying to me. Damn I hate when she does that. I walk over to her and pull her into my chest and she immediately starts crying. "Baby.. What's wrong.? Please tell me." She looked up at me with gleaming eyes. Wow. She is beautiful, even if she is crying. "Its just.... just.. that cashier was gorgeous and she was flirting with you... I-I'm sorry Zayn." She snuggled her head into my chest as she continued crying. I stood in disbelief. She is jealous? She never gets jealous.!! And of the cashier...? She is crazy! "Look at me.." She didn't move. "Baby girl look at me." She turned up and stared at me. I wish she knew how beautiful she really is. "Y/N, you shouldn't be jealous of her. You shouldn't be jealous of anyone. You are the prettiest girl I have ever seen. You will never know how beautiful you are to me, but I wish you would." She looked almost embarrassed. I cupped her chin and pulled her waist into mine so that there was no space between us. I leaned down and kissed her soft lips.

Niall- I'm so hungry! Where is Y/N.?!? "Babe I'm finishing my make-up! I'll be down in a sec!" make-up? She doesn't need make up!!! "Why are you putting make up on anyway?" I ask her as she walked downstairs grabbing my hand and pulling me through the front door. "So I don't hurt anyone's eyes" She said turning around and smirking at me. She acted like she was kidding but it killed me to know that she actually thought that about herself. She is so insecure, I can't see why! She's just... perfect. We pull up to the restaurant that she wanted to eat at and take our seats. I'm scanning the menu when our waitress comes up to the table to take our order. I look ahead to see her scanning the menu as well, Wow Y/N looks gorgeous. "Sir can I get you something to drink?" Oops I hadn't realized she had been waiting on me for a while. I felt a little embarrassed and knew my face was turning a slight reddish color. "Ohh uhmmm can I just get a water." I look down at my menu then back up at the waitress who is writing slowly and then returns to the kitchen. I was searching through the food choices trying to find what I wanted from it when I noticed Y/N get up and exit the restaurant. I chased after her leaving a five on the table expecting that whatever happened was going to cause us to not be finishing our dinner. "Y/N wait! Where are you going!?!" I yelled after her. Damn she was fast when she was determined. She stopped walking and turned around to look at me when I called out to her. Her face was stained with tears as she looked at me with guilt. I catch up with her and again ask her what's wrong. "Nothing babe." I look at her wishing she would just tell me the truth. She is always so stubborn. "Y/N... please" She looks up at me and started crying again. "I'm so sorry." I began to worry. Why was she sorry, is she hurt.? I'm confused... I have no idea what's bothering her or why she would be sorry. "Why are you sorry??!?" She cried harder than I had ever seen her before. I pulled her into my chest as she continued to explain. "I'm sorry that I'm not as pretty as most people and that you could do so much better but you stay with me." "What are you even talking about??" I ask her in disbelief that she just said that. "I saw how pretty our waitress was and how much she liked you and I just- I just know that you deserve someone so much better than me..." She said as she practically poured her heart out on my chest as I held her in a tight hug. "Y/N... I can't get any better than the most beautiful girl in the world, and I'm already holding her in my arms."

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