The Elements: Air

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Y'all know the premise by now. Thank you @Phire04 for requesting! <3

You never meant to hide your powers from Pan.

You really didn't.

....Okay maybe you did.

But hey, you had your reasons, Pan was a psychopathic (he put the hot in psychotic) power hungry maniac and the last thing he needed to know was the fact that his precious little lost girl had powers.

But your power was the element of Air.

Now it doesn't sound dangerous, but it is.

If someone evil found out about your abilities, Air is a dangerous power because it is everywhere.

If you wished, you could suffocate someone merely by clenching your hands into a fist.

You didn't want Pan to find out because he would have you suffocate Hook, at least you thought he would.

But your powers had a fluke (of course they did, no power was perfect).

You had to let it reign free every day at least once, or else one minor mood swing would fuck shit up.

So you go to the same spot every day and let yourself be free.

And the green eyed little fuck was following you one day.


What the hell is she doing?

Pan thought that to himself every time he saw you sneak off, so he followed you one day.

And he was shocked at what he would find.

You were in the middle of the forest (no shit) and then a giant blast of air was let out.

And Pan went flying against a tree.


You knew you'd eventually get caught, but the funny thing is that you procrastinated figuring out a lie to tell Pan.

And now you were fucked.

Because you didn't check the perimeter (the one time) and Pan went flying against the trunk of a tree.

Fuck, shit, son of a fucking biscuit.

You were so screwed.

You ran over to Pan worried and crouched down to him, "are you alright?"

He groaned and opened his eyes, "that was hot."

You rolled your eyes, "yeah you're fine." You grabbed his arm and pulled him up off the ground.

"What kind of magic was that?" He said rubbing his head.

"Wasn't magic." You crossed your arms.

"What was it?"

You mumbled something he couldn't understand, "what?" He asked.

"It's a superpower, runs in the family."

"So magic?"

"Didn't I just fucking say it wasn't magic?" You said irritably. "I can't change it, it'll always be Air manipulation or gas manipulation."

"What do you mean?"

"Solid, Liquid, Gas, the three stages of matter. I can only control the Gas stage, because every gas has some element of air to it." You said, looking him in the eye as if he'd challenge you.

"Huh, how do you know this?"

"Elementary school science classes."

"What school?"

You rubbed your hands on your face, "I'll teach you about mortal schools one day, but today is not that day."

"I don't think I want to know about mortal schools."

"I don't blame you."

"So why didn't you tell me?" He asked crossing his arms

You looked at him with a sad look, "because I was afraid."

"Of what?"

"What you'd make me do if I told you." You said brokenly and wrapped yourself in your own arms.

"Y/N, I would never make you do something you don't want to do."

"I'm sorry it's just, I've seen power hungry maniacs get their hands on people like me, it never turned out well." You said, trying push the memories of the screams away.


"My family."  You whispered, closing your eyes to keep the tears from escaping.

"I'm sorry." He said putting a hand on your shoulder, "I wouldn't do that to you."

"Thanks." You opened your eyes and looked at the ground, not really knowing what to say.

"I can help you control them you know."

"I never said I needed help with controlling them." You said quirking your eyebrow.

"Oh really?" He laughed, "then what was that throwing me into a tree business."

"It was my defense shield."

"Uh huh."

In response you shot out your hand and made him fly into a bush.

"And what was that?!" He said, his voice muffled by the bush.

"You being an idiot next to an Air Manipulator you dolt."

Okay a couple of things,

THANK YOU FOR 101K READS HOLY SHIT THE LOST FAMILY IS GROWING. (yes that's our fandom name cause I suck and I forgot to mention that)

I can't even begin to explain the gratitude and love I have for all of you, this is amazing and incredible. No joke, I've never been this happy and proud of something in my life. (also shoutout to the person who added my book to a list called "shitty books" you made me laugh harder than I ever have with that one lmao😂)


And to think I posted the first chapter of this book while I was in a dark place and I was bored on a Sunday (i was originally gonna wait like two more months but then thought "eh what the hell?")

A lot of things have changed since then like:

1. I was straight (no joke)

2. I was depressed and anxious every single day of my life.

3. I was insecure.

And now, I'm 100% comfortable in my own skin. Dear god I'm tearing up.




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