69th piece: Lyrics

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Katelyn Tarver's You Don't Know is connected to Caralei's feelings for this chapter. You can play it in the link above. Please hear it so you will know what she feels while Gabriel talks to her best friends.

You don't know what it's like

~ Katelyn Tarver


We went to their booth and they ordered drinks. We were silent until the waiter gave us our glasses full of alcohol. I immediately took a drink knowing I really needed it considering I was with these two. Caralei warned me about it and they seem like a serious threat.

"So, Gabriel," Em spoke my name like poison. I think she hates me.

"What do you think you're doing?" She asked while Matt settled on the cushioned seat comfortably but his face was far from ease. He held deep concern about what I did and guilt was eating me.

"What does that supposed to mean? I did it to protect her."

"M- hmm. And you did it by laying claim on her. Wake up, Gabriel. She's still not yours."

"I know." Em smirked knowing she's hitting a nerve.

"Why are you so impulsive? You could have just told the man to back off." Matt was frowning at me. I ran my hand through my locks then looked at the both of them.

"I'm sorry. I did a mistake and I admit it. I am impulsive. I was trying to make them back off in one go." Matt's eyebrows furrowed at what I have said.

"Them? What do you mean 'them'?"

"When I was searching for Caralei, I heard a group of men talking about a hot woman. I have heard things... Inappropriate things. They were talking about getting her to their home tonight. I ignored them but when I saw that the blond guy was talking to Caralei, I lost it. He's one of them. Even the black haired man who bought her a drink was with them. I saw and heard him speak about her when he came back." I explained and I had my hands formed into tight fists again. Em had her eyes narrowed but not to me but at the door as if she's imagining herself doing something bad to the group of guys while Matt had his jaw clenched and was gripping his glass tightly.

"You should still control yourself, Gabriel. You don't know what you're doing to Caralei." Matt then spoke.

"I am learning to. I am doing my best but sometimes, I fucking lose myself when someone else is with Caralei. The men who gave her those knowing looks... Damn it!" They both sighed.

"Look. We understand now. You don't want to lose Caralei to another man." It fucking hit me like a train. Yes. I don't want her to leave me like my family did. Sure, my mom and I talk from time to time but we have not bonded like a normal mother and son would do. We would go out and eat at a restaurant or do something she likes and that's it. With my father, we will just end up disagreeing or worse. My family didn't have time for me and now I have realized that I was afraid of Caralei leaving me also. I really do not want to lose her. I don't want her to be in the arms of another man. But how can I get through this? She's an amazing woman and men would be attracted. It's difficult that she's not mine.

"How can I act when I do not know where my position is to her life? It's fucking complicated." I began to hate the deal. If only I can just go to her now, ask her to be my girlfriend and I will have the security.

"But Gabriel? Don't you see it?"

"See what?"

"Oh men are so blind sometimes!" Em huffed out her frustration then took a drink.

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