I was tagged.

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I️ was tagged by my old friend a while ago but I️ forgot.. 😂 I️ literally had a reminder go off that was supposed to go off a year ago!! 😂😂😂 sadly i either unfollowed her or she blocked me or something cause I️ can't find her name.. so I'll just say 20 facts about me.

1. I️m 17
2. I'm like 5"8
3. I️ have 6 pets (Dog, 2 horses, and 3 guinea pigs)
4. I️ have 5 main fears. Passing out, Elevators, ghosts, the number 6 as in 666 (I️ kid you not), and I'm extremely claustrophobic.
5. I️ recently featured my knee by hitting a table 😂
6. I️ literally am the definition of boy crazy. (Especially for my crush) 😂
7. I️ love to make friends on here so never be afraid to message me :)
8. My Hogwarts Potter house is Ravenclaw
9. I've broken 8 bones from 2yrs old to now
10. I️ prefer winter over summer
11. I️ was almost born on April fools day (which would've been snazzy)
12. According to most people I'm "Funny" so yeah 😂
13. I️ was a triplet but I️ was the only one who lived (was me and 2 brothers)
14. I️ have 3 siblings (I'm the oldest)
15. My favorite dessert is chocolate chip cookies
16. My favorite color is Royal blue, Maroon, and black
17. I'm very laid back and chill. Idk why included that but ohhhh wellll
18. Im kinda clumsy like a 8/10
19. I️ve been riding horses for 9 years now
20. I️ taught my self the piano, ukulele, and guitar because I️ was bored 😂😂
21. Here's an extra one, I'm quite athletic as I play volleyball, basketball, softball, and lacrosse on my schools varsity team. :)

Now I'll tag some ppl bre0015 anndddddd 0UniversalDreams0

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