A/N (unedited)

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(This is unedited because I'm writing this in class) I'm literally dying. So I have this friend who I've liked for a WHILE like 6 years. And we've always been mistaken for a couple over the years which we just laughed at because we are only friends. And yesterday I finally got the courage up to tell him how I feel and I was so so so nervous! So I was talking in a group of my friends and there is this one girl I kind of know through my other friends and she says "Omg guys guess who just texted me last night!!!" And we are like "OMG WHO?!" Then the worst thing in the world happens she goes "Noah! (My crush) he told me he's had feelings for years and wanted to be more serious so now we are together!" My stomach literally dropped to the floor.. And that's the story of how my heart broke and I stayed up crying till 3:50am!

I'm not writing this to get attention like "Oh look at me I need attention." It just hit me when I was talking to an anonymous person about this book. She told me how my book helped her get through a similar situation and I just really thought I should be open with you and tell you I've had my fair share of heart break. So if you EVER need help with anything I'm always open and would absolutely LOVE to help anyone or just to talk I'm totally down for that! Now I'm just rambling and making so sense K Bye! 💕

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