Chapter 6

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Hey Guys! i would first like to start off by saying thank you to everyone who has voted, commented, and faned! Thank you so much! :D

This chapter is dedicated to the amazing nimrahrazaq786! thank you so so much! :D

The last chapter kinda sucked, but here is this one to make up for it! :)

Song for this chapter: Moments by One Direction



Bree’s POV

The little scene I did was actually the funest thing I’ve done so far. I actually went a little over board. But I had a reason for it. Models are supposed to be classy and sophisticated, and I’m nothing like that. In fact, I’m the opposite. I am way more comfortable in sweats and a tee shirt than in a fancy dress and heels. The fashion world would revolt. But it’s just the way I was raised. It’s the way I am.

And being loud and obnoxious is also me. I can never be myself, ever since I became a model. Don’t think me wrong, I love modeling, it’s always been my dream, but now that it’s come true, it’s actually quite hard. Especially being as well-known as I am. I have to be polite and classy, as to not embarrass management. I had to hide who I really was, and could only be with my family and Eliza.

But being with these boys had me thinking. They aren’t afraid of showing who they are, and I wanted to do the same.

So I did, and I clearly surprised them, just as I had expected.

After Danny tied me up (completely forgetting to tie my feet, bad thing for him, good thing for me) and taking away my Oreos (that bastard, I was hungry, and they are my favorite thing to eat, next to Nutella), all the boys looked at me surprised, their eyes filled with curiosity. I tried my best not to look at a certain pair of eyes, knowing that if I looked, I wouldn’t be able to stop.

“I didn’t know you were like that” Liam said, with a smile.

 I smiled back “There’s a lot of thing you don’t know about me”

“That’s for sure” Harry said. I smiled. It stayed quiet. I could feel his gaze on me, but I did my best not to look at him too long. I would surely just stare like a creeper or something.

“Harreh” Louis said all of the sudden.

“Yes Lou Lou?”

“My bum fell asleep” I burst out laughing, as did the rest of the guys. I couldn’t help but notice Zayn laughing. Oh, he had the sexiest laugh ever…. Urg, Bree what’s wrong with you?

The guys started talking about something, but I kinda blanked out. My thoughts kept drifting off to him. His eyes, his smile, his hair, his laugh, his voice…

 You need to cut this out Bree! A voice in my mind said. I mentally sighed. The voice in my head is right. I need to stop thinking about him. But I can’t! Another voice whispered in my brain. I sighed. Zayn seemed to noticed and gave me a grin, which no doubt made my heart skip a beat.

Oh, what am I thinking? He would never go for a girl like me. He could get any other girl he wanted, all prettier than me, better than me.

I mentally sighed again. I don’t need to get my hopes up.

Suddenly, a thought came to me. The Vogue photo shoot was in 4 days. And I had already missed the photo shoot and fashion show I was supposed to attend. Shit.

I need to get out of here! And so do the boys. One of the most famous boy bands couldn’t just go unnoticed. They, like me, had responsibilities. I gulped. I hope Mike has got something covered for me. I really didn’t want to get fired, and lose my one of a lifetime opportunity to be on the cover of one of the most important fashion magazines ever.

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