Chapter 5

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Heeey guys! new upload! :) i would first like to say thank you so much for voting and leaving your wonderful comments! it means a lot! :)

I would like to give out a thank you to Maisie-raeSherbertMar :D

Song for this chapter: Swagger Jagger by Cher Lloyd, if you haven't listened to it, go listen to it! :D   ----->

Also, check out Clair_201 's  "Kidnapped, By One Direction " It's hilarious :D



Bree’s POV

“I’m hungry!” Niall complained as Jimmy and Danny picked up our cereal bowls. I chuckled. Niall is adorable. They all were. But I had to agree with Niall. I was still hungry.

“Too bad” Danny said, and picked up his bowl. Niall pouted, looking sad.

“It’s alright mate, they’ll feed us in a while” Liam reassured Niall, but he still pouted. Danny gave me a death glare as he grabbed my bowl, keeping his distance. I smiled at him, and he glared even more. “What’s wrong None of your Concern? Scared of a girl? Come at me Bro ” I smirked. I heard Louis laughing.

“I told you not to call me that!” he growled. I smiled sweetly at him, batting my eyelashes. “But I thought that was your name? you told me in the van” I said innocently. He growled and left. “Stupid ass” I muttered under my breath. Liam seemed to have heard me, and chuckled. Danny and Jimmy tied us back up again, giving us one last glare, and left, slamming the door.

“Well that went well” Liam said, with his British accent. I love their accents! I smiled at him.

“Feisty. I like it” Harry told me. I rolled my eyes.

“It’s a gift” I tell him. He laughs.

“So why is One Direction tied up in a room with me?” I ask them.

“So why is Bree Anderson tied up in a room with us?” Harry says.

“Touché” They laugh. My eyes flicker to Zayn. He is looking at me. I smile and look away.

“So you’re gonna tell me?” I ask.

Liam sighs, and tells me the story, with the others butting in, giving out their opinions on what happened.

“Aww, that’s so sweet!” I tell Liam. “You were actually gonna go rescue Danielle” I see him blush.

“Aww, that’s so sweet Liam” Louis says.

“Shut up Louis” Liam says.

“Don’t tell my boo bear to shut up!” Harry says.

“You tell him Hazza! Show Daddy Directioner who’s boss” Louis says.

“Excuse me Louis, but the boss here is me” I tell him.

“Oh hell no woman! I’m the swag masta from Doncaster. I’m the boss here”

“You wish, swag masta. I’m the boss” I say. If Niall wasn’t tied down to the chair, he would have already fallen down from laughing so hard.

“I like this girl” I hear Louis say. I laugh.

“How did you end up here?” Niall asks. I look at him and smile. Then I tell them what happened.

“Wait, so he just kidnapped you in the middle of the day? In plain sight?” Liam asks incredulous. I nod.

“THEY’RE CRAZY!” Louis shouts.

“True that” I say. “So, does anyone have a plan on how to get out?” They look at each other sheepishly.

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