Chapter 2

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To those have started reading, thank you so much, i have been working really hard on this story. Please vote, or comment what you think so far or if i should change anything :) it would mean a lot to me! :D

I was actually excited to put up this chapter! i couldn't wait to finish it up and post it!

Well, enough with the author's notes.



We had been driving for about an hour, and I kept talking the whole way. My throat was starting to become dry, but I kept on talking. I was pretty sure I was giving Creeper a migraine, and I smirked. I had been lying on my back, and my hands were killing me.

“None of your Concern, why did you have to tie my hands so tight?” I whine for about the 100th time. But the Creeper ignored me.

“Hello? I’m talking to you!” No response.

“First you kidnap me, and then you ignore me? You can’t get ruder than that” still no response.

Ugh. Giving me the silent treatment huh? We’ll see about that.

“DUDE I AM TALKING TO YOU! YOU CANNOT KEEP IGNORING ME!” I yell. He just sighs angrily and keeps driving. He eventually turns the radio louder. I hadn’t noticed it was on. Probably because I was talking the whole time.

A Rhinna song was ending, and Call Me Maybe started playing. “Ohmygod I love this song!” I tell the Creeper, and he sighs again.

“I THREW A WISH IN A WELL, DON’T ASK ME I’LL NEVER TELL, I LOOKED AT YOU AS IT FELL, AND NOW YOU’RE IN MY WAY!” I sang. But the Creeper had to go and ruin it by turning it down. “Hey!” I complain.

“I’d rather hear your annoying talking. You’re a terrible singer” Creeper tells me.

“I am not a terrible singer! You’re just jealous because you don’t sound like me. I bet you sound like a dying cat. By the way, where are we going? I’m tired and hungry”

“Are all models annoying with attitudes” he asks me.

“Yup” I say.

“I’ve always wondered how it felt to have a supermodel girlfriend, but now I know: it’s hell”

“I’ve always wondered if you’re ever even gonna have a girlfriend, but now I know: No”

“Listen you-“ he was cut off by the sound of my phone ringing to What Makes You Beautiful.

“One Direction? Really?” he asks.

“Shut up. You got my phone? I thought I had dropped it when I was BRUTALLY KIDNAPPED by someone cough cough” I was actually happy that he had got my phone.

“So what if I did get your phone? What are you gonna do about it?”

“Scream and yell until you give it back?”

“Nice try but I won’t let you. Next time you start screaming I’m gonna cover your mouth with duct tape. Plus you bit my hand and scratched my face so you owe me”

“I owe you nothing! You were putting your disgusting hand on my mouth who who knows were it’s been, and for the scratch you were kidnapping me I was just defending myself and now cause of you I’m gonna be scarred for life”

“You’ll live” he said. I glowered, though he couldn’t see me. My phone continued to ring but stopped. But then it started again. And again. It was probably Mike my Manager. By the fifth time my phone went off Creeper sighed in frustration and threw my phone across the van. It smashed into one of the windows, and I heard a crack come from my iPhone, and it became silent. My mouth hung open. Then I exploded.

I Just Got Kidnapped! (One Direction Fan Fic)Where stories live. Discover now