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New York City
Two weeks later

       While I was at a conference for the release of my nike line that was finally ready, my phone buzzed in my pocket as I answered questions. I had another interview today which I was excited for but my manager said I should set some things straight.

"Jordan what took so long for the line to be released, the news came out a while ago". A man said as I looked at him.

"Well as you all know I'm not really into being all in the media but I was actually going through a few personal things that set the date back more". I answered.

"That's understandable".

"Next question?". I asked as I looked around the room.

"Uh how much control did you have over the designs, was it your vision?".

"Yeah, most of it was my team and my wife helped a little in that process of choosing things".

     The day went on and I had to go to a radio station before I went back home in California.

"We finally got this dude to to an interview, what's good man?". The man asked as he slapped me up.

"I'm good man, moving around the city right now". Taking out my phone, I answered a few texts back.

"He's already on his phone, busy man". The lady next to me said as i chuckled.

Nick: yo hmu when you done man.

"So let's get down to this injury, what happened?".

"Yo I think I was dunking and accidentally messed up my knee". I locked my phone and put it on the table.

"Damn what was going through your head?".

"I was kinda pissed because the finals was coming up and I can't play obviously".

"So it's possible your playing next season?". The lady asked.

"Oh yeah I'm definitely playing, it's nothing too serious..I can still play".

"I know you hate talking about your personal life but it's been a while since your son was born, can you talk about that?". I nodded my head.

"Of course, everyone knows about this but my daughter was born three years ago but this time around was kinda different".

"How so?".

"Back then I was just starting out, now I'm three years in and it's kinda hard to manage that while on the rode". Grabbing my water bottle, I drunk some then closed it.

"Now your not playing so while the season is ending you get more time with them".

"You're right but this Nike line is still out, work doesn't stop". They laughed and I sat back in my chair.

"Let's talk about that, you probably answered this today but why did we wait so long?".

"For personal reasons I told my team to hold back while I handled it but as time went on it kept getting pushed back".

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