412 24 10

Miami, Florida
One month later.

The buzzer rang, signaling that the second quarter was over. Sitting on the chair, I drunk some water and kept to myself.

"Yo what's up man? you been quite since the last too games". Nick said as he sat down next to me. Me and the other guys were cool but me and nick talked more.

"just keeping to myself, you know?".

"yeah, I heard about your father. You good?".

"I'm straight, just hard to get used to".

"I feel you man, I lost my mom a few years ago". Nodding my head I looked around.

"but anyway, we shouldn't think about that on the court". He said as it was time for us to go back on the court.


Getting my things, I walked out of the locker room and people crowded around me.

Jordan can you talk about your father?

when will you do another interview?

Are you still married to the mother of your daughter?

Ignoring the questions, I got inside of the truck and my manager was in the front seat.

"great game man, I got your things in the back seat for Toni".

"thanks man, you emailed me about the line?". I asked while checking my phone.

"Yes sir, i also wanted to talk to you about that Ashley girl".

"Man fuck her, I almost lost my wife behind that".

"I know that but she contacted me".

"Tell her to leave me alone, she crazy as hell". Shaking my head, I locked my phone and waited until I got to the hotel.


Pulling my hoodie over my head, I used my card to open the door. I set the bags on a chair, I looked at Toni sleeping on her side. Sitting on the bed, I pulled the covers back and rubbing her stomach.

"Hey man, you up?". Kissing her stomach, I felt my son moving around.

"Baby". Moving up, I kissed Toni's cheek. She didn't wake up so I kissed her again.

"Jay leave me alone". Toni said, she was just making 8 months and wanted to sleep every chance she got.

"Get up, I got something for you". Her eyes opened and I shook my head.

"Wow, you won't get up for me but you'll get up for that".


"My wife doesn't love me anymore". I said fake crying.

"Yes I do, help me get up I have to pee". Getting off the bed, I helped Toni up and watched her walk to the bathroom. Fixing the bed, I put the bags for Toni on the bed and left bri's on the chair.

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