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Los Angeles, California
  Getting the ball back, I shot it and missed. I shook my head and ran back down the court. Looking over at Toni and Brianna, Brianna smiled and I waved at her.

The game over, we won and Brielle ran to me.

"good job daddy!". I smile and kissed her cheek.

"thank you baby, look your mom right there". Walking up to Toni she cleared her throat and looked away.

"thank you for coming". I said and she nodded.

"no problem, Brianna really wanted to be here". I handed Brianna over to her and grabbed a towel.

"How's my baby doing in there?". I asked as I looked at her stomach.

"the baby is doing fine, um...I'll see you later okay?".

"Aight Toni".

"bye daddy!".

"See you later princess".



The doorbell rang and Brianna jumped up.

"Mommy that's daddy".

"I know baby lets go open the door". Rubbing my stomach, I got up to open the door.

"Hi daddy!". Jordan chuckled and picked Brianna up.

"What's up baby, aye can I talk to you for a second?". I nodded and he put Brianna down.

"go in the front while I talk to your mom Bri".

"you just got here daddy".

"I know baby, it won't be long". Bri nodded and ran to the living room while we went into the kitchen.

"So what's up?". I asked.

"You remember what we talked about? us working on our marriage?".

"Yes I do".

"I understand what I did was beyond fucked up but us being separated is killing me. I wanna be a family again baby". I sighed and rubbed my stomach.

" I don't trust you anymore, you hid this from me for I don't know how long Jordan".

"Look, I can earn your trust again. Just don't give up on us, your the love of my life and you know that. I don't want anyone else but you." I nodded and he wrapped his arms around me and put his hand on my stomach.

"I love you Marie". As our lips got closer, Brianna ran into the kitchen.

"Your taking too long daddy!". Jordan chuckled and let me go to grab Brianna .

"Girl I was so close to kissing your mom". He said before tickling her and I laughed.

I sat at the table watching them play around and I rubbed my stomach in circles while smiling.

"Mommy help me!".

"No, she can't help you now". Jordan tossed her on the couch and she busted out laughing.

"Don't be so rough with my baby". I said as I stood up.

"I'm not being rough Toni, she having fun". I waved him off and went to grab a water bottle.

Walking to the living room I sat on the other side of the couch and put my feet up.

"Daddy are you staying home?". Brianna asked Jordan and I sighed.

"Ask your mom".


"He's not staying baby, you can see him tomorrow".

"Why not?".

"Ask your father". I said and he looked at me.

"I'll be back tomorrow baby, don't worry". he said before they continued to play around until Brianna got tired and fell asleep.

"I'll bring her upstairs". I nodded and Jordan picked bri up, going upstairs.

I got up and waiting for him to come downstairs, I stood by the door and he stood in front of me.

"When you think I can come back home?".

"I don't know Jordan, I just don't wanna make the wrong decision".

"getting a divorce is the wrong decision" he said and I looked at him.

"You know this is first time you ever hurt me?".

"I know and I'm so sorry for everything I did, tell you won't do anything. Let me show you how much I want this relationship". I nodded and opened the door.

"I love you baby".

"I love you too Jordan". I said and he smiled.

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