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Los Angeles hospital

    Sitting in a chair, I was nervous as hell and my leg was shaking. My mother was texting me so that I can tell her what's going on with Toni. I had her stay with bri because I didn't want Bri to be crying.

  "Mr.Miller?". I heard and looked up.

"Yes that's me, is my wife okay?".

"She is, Toni passed out from Braxton hicks contractions. The baby is okay and I recommend Toni to be on a strict bed rest until the baby is born, which is in a few weeks or less".

"Aight, is this the only time this will happen or..".

"Oh ever pregnancy is different but she may feel another as her body prepares for the actual labor contracts". I nodded my head and shook the doctors hand thanking him.

"Toni will be here for a few more hours to be under observation, her room number is 128".

"Aight, thank you".

       Going up the elevator, I made it to Toni's room and she was sleeping. I sat in a chair and grabbed her hand kissing it.

"Y'all scared the hell out of me". I said rubbing her stomach.

"I'm sorry". Toni said yawning.

"Don't worry about it, you feeling better?".

"Yes, it was only a contraction I don't know how I passed out".

"The doctor said it was from the pain but your on bed rest, I don't want you doing anything that you don't have to do aight?". I said kissing her cheek.

"I hear you, where's my other baby?".

"She stayed with my mom, you know how dramatic briana can get".

"Yeah that was probably the best idea, I'm leaving tonight right?".

"Mhm, you are". Toni sighed and put her hand over mines.

"Jay i wanna go home". She said pouting at me.

"I know baby, you leaving in a few hours. And if you need anything tell me, I don't want another accident like this to happen".

"Me too, I'm on strict bed rest right sir?".

"Hell yeah, but you gotta give your husband a kiss though". I said getting closer.

"Your wife would be happy to". Kissing Toni, I held her face and held it for a while.

A few minutes later Toni fell asleep and I stayed up holding her hand. The doctor came and told me that Toni could leave once she woke up. During that time I called my mom and told her everything was okay.

"Baby". I said kissing Toni's cheek.


"You can come home, the nurse came just now". She sat up and pouted. 

"I'm so tired and hungry". I chuckled and helped her sit on the edge of the bed.

"I'll get you something to eat on the way home, cool?".

"Yes, is it late?". I looked at my watch.

"Almost 11".


    Pulling up to the drive way I got our food and Toni grabbed her bag.

"Do you think the baby will come early now?". I asked Toni.

"Maybe, I'm ready for him to come though". Toni said looking in the bag as i pulled off.

"I am too baby".

   30 minutes later

It was 12 o'clock by the time we made it home. Helping Toni out of the truck, she held her stomach.

"What's wrong?". I said watching her breath in and out.

"He kicked me hard, I'm okay though".

"Aight". Grabbing the food, I closed the door and followed Toni inside the house.

   My mom was sitting on the couch watching tv as went to the kitchen, putting the food down.

"I'm happy your okay". My mom said hugging Toni.

"I am too, Bri gave you any trouble?".

"Oh no, she was sleeping the whole time. It's late so I should get going".

"Aight ma, thank you", I said as I hugged her.

"No problem baby".


   Jordan walked his mom to the door and I opened the bag my food was in.

"You didn't eat much earlier". Jay said.

"I wasn't feeling good, but the baby has me beyond hungry". Opening the container, I looked in the bag for a fork.

"You know I might be out of town when he's born".

"What?". I asked, looking at him confused.

"It just came to me, we gave a game in Boston coming up",

"How are we gonna work this out? The season isn't over yet and we can't travel with you". He sighed and I continued to eat my food.

"I don't know but you have my mom and your dad. You should be straight baby".


   Getting out of the shower, I got a towel and went to the closet. Jordan was on the floor packing a bag.

"You have practice tomorrow right?". I asked.

"Yeah, you tired?". He said watching me yawn.

"Mhm". Putting my shorts on, jay slapped my ass.

"You so aggravating". Leaving the closet, I got in bed rubbing my stomach.

"I'm aggravating?". Jordan asked while getting in the bed.

"Yes you are, rub my back so I can go to sleep". I told him as I put my hair into a bun.

"I don't know who you talking to Marie".

"jayyy". I whined and he started laughing.

"Aight, turn over big baby".

    Laying close to Jordan, he rubbed my back until I got sleepy.

"I love you baby". I heard him mumble.

"I love you too".

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