561 47 21

Los Angeles, California
One week later

   "What did he say?". Jordan asked as I hung up.

"He said congratulations on the baby and that we should meet in Atlanta soon". I said, talking about my father.

"So he's still on probation?".

"I don't know. Probably so if he saying that we should meet up back home".

"That's crazy, didn't your mom get him arrested? That was years ago".

"She did, over childish shit". Looking over, bri was sleeping on the bed and I kissed her cheek.

Jordan's phone started ringing and he looked at me.

"Are you going to answer it?". I laughed.

"Nah, it's not important baby". He turned it off and I looked at him.

"How come your phone rings so much?".

"I don't know, need to get a business phone..". I nodded and got up.

"Game starts in two hours, you feel better?".

"Yes, im craving nachos though".

"You can get some at the game, go get ready". I poked my lips out and he kissed me.

Looking for something to wear I took a shower and put my jeans on. Going to the closet, I grabbed a loose shirt and slid on my sandals. Checking the time I brushed my hair into a bun as jay got dressed.

Walking out of the bathroom, I picked Briana up and went to her room.

"Mommy I sleep". She rubbed her eyes and held on to me.

"Daddy has a game mama, we can watch movies when we get home okay?".

"Yes, I like movies mommy". Bri talked the whole time I got her dressed and did her hair.

Once I finished, I tapped her butt and she ran to the bedroom.

"Hi daddy!".

"What's up princess, you look pretty". Jay picked her up and she wrapped her arms around his neck.

"I picked it out".

"You did?". She nodded and jay looked at my jeans.

"Those jeans showing too much T". I looked at them and shrugged.

"I'm yours, nobody else's okay?".

"Mhm". Walking to the door he kissed me and I grabbed my phone.

"I get kisses too daddy!". I laughed and jay kissed bri's forehead.


   Sitting down, bri was standing between my legs as I fed her nachos.

"It's good mommy".

"You want some lemonade baby?". She nodded and I held the cup up.

   The game almost over, bri yelled as jay made a three point shot.

"Yay daddy!". Jordan turned around and winked at her.

"You cheering daddy on baby?".

"Yes mommy. You cheer too okay?". I laughed and nodded.

"I will bri".

   The game over, I stood up and threw our trash away. Hearing people call out my name, I grabbed bri's hand and waited for jay. Watching bri dance to the music being played, I looked up and a woman with short brown hair was walking up to me.


   Looking for Toni, I turned around and she was standing next to Ashley.

"Oh shit". They were talking and I rushed over to them.

"Baby..you ready to go?". She looked at me like she wanted to kill me.

"You do wanna say hey to your friend? Or you don't have anything to say?". I looked at Ashley and she was smirking. She winked at me before walking away.

"Toni don't do this here", I reached for her but she picked bri up and walked to the truck.

  Following her, someone grabbed my hand.

"Jordan, why are you going after her?".

"That's my wife man, you did enough. Stay away from my family". Snatching my hand from her's I went to the truck and Toni was leaning against the window.

"Marie..". I touched her thigh and she moved my hand away.

"Daddy is mommy sad?".

"Yeah princess".

     The whole ride home, Toni said nothing and bri was singing to the music. Opening the gate, I pulled up to the drive way and turned the truck off.

Toni got out and grabbed bri, walking to the house. I followed behind them and locked the door.

"Toni?". I went upstairs and she was crying with bri hugging her.

"Daddy, make mommy happy". Running my hands down my face I sighed and grabbed bri.

"How about you go to your room for a few minutes while I talk to mommy".

"Then we watch movies?".

"Yes baby girl, we'll watch movies after". I kissed her cheek and let her down. Bri ran out of the room and I sat on the bed.

"All this time she was watching us at the games and you stood there playing stupid. Get away from me". She wiped her face and I shook my head.

"Don't do that, we still working on our marriage and I didn't wanna make things worse". 

"By lying? That's making it worse Jordan".

"I didn't know what to do baby, lo-".

"Should've known not to believe yo ass". She got up and left the room.

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