367 21 8

Los Angeles, California
3 months later

"Hi baby boy". I said kissing Brice's cheek.

"Mommy I kiss him too". Bri said as she got in bed with us.

"Come here". Putting Brice in my arms, bri leaned over and kissed his forehead.

"Aww, bri". I said watching her play with his fingers.

"He can't talk?". She asked.

"No baby, he's just a few months old. Brice can't talk right now".


"So dramatic, lets go go downstairs to eat mama". Brice started crying and I rocked him a little bit.

"He hungry too?". Bri asked, following me downstairs.

"I think so". I said checking his diaper.

"Oh yeah he's probably hungry". He was still crying and I hummed a song while fixing his bottle.


"Hold on baby". Brice cried louder and bri was calling my name.

"Briana stop it!". She stopped jumping around me and I started feeding Brice.

"You can't yell baby, it's too much noise".

"I sorry". Nodding my head, I sighed trying to feed Brice and bri.

"Hold on mama". I thought doing this on my own was not going to be hard but it was at some times.

  Instead of stressing myself out I let bri choose what she wanted from the refrigerator.

"You want fruit?". I asked seeing her grab it.

"Yes, here". She said giving me a grape.

"I don't want any mama, let's go sit down". Going to the living room, I let bri watch whatever as I fed Brice.

"My baby was just hungry". I said watching him eat.


  I struggled to put bri down for a nap while Brice was still awake. Putting a pillow on the side of bri, Jordan called me.

"Hey baby". I said answering the facetime.

"What's up beautiful, where's my babies?".

   Moving the camera to Briana and Brice Jordan smiled.

"Why little man not sleeping?".

"I don't know, he just ate though". Kissing his cheeks he started laughing.

"Hey man, you smiling at me?". Jordan said.

"No he's smiling at me, huh baby". I said making him laugh.

"Damn you just got to ruin the moment Marie".

"Shut up, look daddy Brice". Showing Brice the phone, Jordan started talking to him.

  I yawned and laid back on the headboard listening to jay talk.

"You okay out there?". I heard him say.


"Stop lying to me, you really good?". Moving the camera Jordan was doing something.

"What are you doing?". I asked.

"I'm wondering why the hell you changed the subject". He said getting back in the camera.

"Okay, some days are good and some days are kinda difficult".

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