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   Sitting in the car, briana was in the backseat sleeping and I waited for Jordan. Looking out the window he was outside the hospital hugging his mother. They hugged for a while and I could tell she was talking to him. Jordan walked his mother  to her car and he walked to our car with his head down.

  "Baby". I said softly as he got in. Ignoring me, Jordan started the car and pulled off.

"you need something?". He mumbled and stopped at a red light.

"no, I just wanna make sure your okay".

"I'm cool". He was talking low and never looked my way so I left him alone.

   Getting to the hotel, Jordan pulled his hoodie over his head and got bri out the back seat. He opened my door and helped me out. Quickly getting to our room Jordan closed the door and I sat on the bed rubbing my stomach.  Laying bri next to me, Jordan sat on a chair near the bed staring at the wall.

"Jordan baby you hungry?". I asked getting ready to order something.

"no, just come sit here with me". Getting up, I sat on his lap and Jordan laid his hand on my growing stomach.

"I'm sorry for talking to you like that, shouldn't have done that". He mumbled and I held his hand.

"it's okay baby". Jordan sighed and threw his head back.

"what's wrong?".

"I don't wanna talk about it baby". Nodding my head, we sat in a comfortable silence.


We ordered food once bri woke up and I looked at Jordan not touching his food.

"jay your food is gonna get cold baby".

"I'm not hungry". He mumbled.

"mommy I want juice". Handing bri her juice, I finished eating.

After we ate someone came get everything as I got ready to bathe bri.

"mama go wait in the bathroom for me".

"I'll bathe her, you relax". Jordan told me and I nodded.



Bathing bri, she giggled and played with the bubbles in the water.

"daddy you sad?". Bri says

"you could say that, why?".

"you yell daddy".

"I know, I'm sorry princess. You forgive me?".

"yes". I finished bathing bri as she continued to talk about everything under the sun.

"Briana come get dressed". Bri walked over to the bed in her towel and I got her dressed.

"Hair wet daddy".

"I know baby, don't sweat it". Watching Toni get her clothes and go to the bathroom, I laid in bed with bri.

"I think daddy needs kisses bri". She smiled and kissed my cheek over and over.


"yeah, thank you baby". Turning on the tv, bri laid on my chest and I rubbed her black.


   Soon as I got out of the shower, I got dressed and went back to the room.

"damn she sleeping already?". I said noticing bri was under the covers sleeping.

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