Chapter 46: A Power, Forged from Many (M)

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(Music is on this chapter. Begin at START and let it play. The track Kingdom Hearts 1.5 remix Sora's Sacrifice)

The whole room was to say the least in mild shock at the identity of Xene who stood before them. The true identity of Xene, was none other than Jay Coven, from an alternate future. Everyone was not quite sure how to react, or to say until Anaeus was the first one to react "wait, wait...Xene, is Jay Coven!? You mean the same jerk who stood right there with us"

"the very same" said Saku "do you know the JAXCEN corporation which pretty much ruled your lives?" Anaeus nodded "Take out the X and fill in Jay's name to the letters"

"Okay" Anaeus drew some letters out of flames "J-A-X-C-E-N. Take out the X" Anaeus could see it straight away "put a Y after A. Then OV in between C...E"

"It spells Jay Coven" said Laura looking at it "so, it was him"

Laura then had an epiphany "that explains everything. Why Xene targeted Saku? And why he looked so angry when Jay fought against him. And that explains what Saku meant. Saku said he had to, move on, otherwise Xene couldn't exist"

"only our Dad could've stopped Xene" said Anaeus "Xene, knowing this...killed him off. So the fact that Saku is alive means Xene, can never be born"

Everyone else was in mild disbelief "I heard some things in my time, but a future killer?" said Kai "come on"

"No...I think there's some truth to that" said Logan thinking "think about. Jay if anything is a prideful jerk, so why he would he listen to a completely stranger?  Xene knew what made Jay tick, and could persuade him to his line of thinking. Plus...there was something Saku and Sora, I mean Laura, did...that proves it"

Logan thought back again to his conversation "So beat Jay?"

"that's what you find disbelieving?" asked Saku

"Look I'll believe you nearly kicked it, and heck I even believe you beat Jay. But Xene from the Future, no way. Next thing you'll be telling me that Sora is your daughter" Sora and Saku looked between each other laughing nervously

"Yeah...that would be funny" said Laura (who was Sora at the time)

Logan came back to reality "let's say Saku is telling the truth for a moment, and Xene is from the future. Then that explains how Xene knew Saku and Jay so well. What they wanted, and ways of manipulating them" Kai still couldn't believe it...but couldn't disagree

" have a point" said Kai "still, it's hard to believe. I mean Jay has no family yet Xene is his mirror image nearly"

"tell me about it. And if Saku is telling the truth, I wonder what other things he's been telling the truth about"

Saku turned back to Xene who had gotten up from the ground "Why are you so ashamed of hiding who you are...Jay of the future. Are you that sorry for yourself?"

"You...little!" Jay sounded extremely angry "you...should be dead. I should know, I killed you with my own HANDS!!!" except for Anastasia, Anaeus and his sisters this comment really did confuse everyone

"it's just a shame you can't kill me now isn't it?"

Xene looked about one button push away from exploding with anger "you...little. I'd be bleeding swear right now if kids won't in the room"

"how noble of you" said Saku sarcastically "Now if you're quite ready, we have a fight to continue"

"dam those insignificant pests!!!" Saku suddenly appeared before Xene

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