Chapter 27: Bottomless Darkness

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There was now only a mere four days left to go before elimination day of month three.  Being only fours days to go, the whole group and Anaeus' group was in the training hall doing some light training. Saku was training with Suzuna, Pulya with Mochi, Ayoko with Logan and Sora with Anaeus. They had all decided to train together, keeping the training at a light pace. The only two not training were Ellie and Anastasia.

Ellie looked out upon them all "it feels strange seeing all together like this. I mean in the end, we are going to be fighting amongst one another"

"I think it's rather pointless" said Anastasia coldly "I mean in the end, why are we doing this"

"well...because we're friends aren't we?" Anastasia scoffed

"as if. It's not like we were friends to begin with. You were interested in one thing, and guess what you got him" Ellie now looked annoyed and bewildered

"what are you talking about?"

"Don't play dumb Ellie!" Anastasia raised voice had stopped everyone "I know what you've been doing...and guess've won"

Saku and Ayoko had ran over to Anastasia "hey...what's going on?" asked Saku

"according to you, nothing's been going on" said Anastasia a little angrily "you keep claiming your innocent, but I've been watching...and know what you've been doing" Saku then reacted a little

"Saku...what is it?" asked Ayoko. Saku felt something...wrong

Her's cold. Anastasia's power is normally so warm...but this feels cold. As if it's been choked. "Anastasia listen, whatever you think is going on let me explain"

"there's no need to explain! I'm not stupid Saku"

"well you are if you're listening to Hidan!"

Anastasia backed down a little as Saku now looked angry himself "what the hell has he been saying to you? And why have you listening to Hidan, more than us?" as if on cue

"because it's the truth isn't it?" Hidan came waltzing over to them "everything I've spoken is the truth"

"More like manipulated truth" said Pulya coming over herself "you state a small fact only allowing her to see the small picture"

"truth is still truth"

"not when you're making Ana really mean it isn't" said Ayoko angrily

"that's not my fault...that's his" Hidan pointed at Saku.

Hidan almost looked smug "I've seen you prancing around, pretending everything's merry and rainbows"

"and I've seen what you've been doing to her" said Saku retaliating back

"Saku, he has nothing to me" said Anastasia feeling left out of the loop "he has merely been making sense"

"then why can I feel his energy within you Anastasia?" Anastasia backed down and looked unable to answer "listen here Hidan, I want you to stay away from here. So I challenge you to a Bio-duel"

Everyone now looked surprised "but Saku" said Sora "what about you face?"

"It doesn't hurt now. I'll be fine" said Saku not taking his eyes off Hidan "if I win, you are to stay away from her"

"I find this rather pointless...but if you insist" said Hidan "I'll accept your challenge. If I beat you anyway, that'll be my final win"

"but Saku are you sure about this?" asked Ellie

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