Chapter 26: Dark Traumas

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It was now only a mere week to go. Elimination day grew closer, and many participants were getting either anxious or excited. For one of them though, he was getting patched up. Saku had just come out of the first-aid room of the championship building. Pulya and Ayoko were waiting for him as he came out "hey there you two. Thanks for waiting"

"that looks rather big Saku" said Ayoko " are you okay?" Saku had a rather big and wide white bandage on his cheek

"yes what did the nurse say?" said Pulya also sounding strangely worried

"relax, relax I'm fine really"

Saku patted his cheek "it doesn't hurt much right now. The nurse just changed my bandage and said I have to leave this on for a couple of weeks. She said I'm going to have a scar but it'll heal nicely she said"

"That's a relief" said Pulya smiling "well no more training for a couple of days. Just until you don't feel any more pain"

"yeah okay. I'll just take it easy then. Well Ayoko we'd best get back. Sora is making us breakfast"

"oh...that's great" said Ayoko happily "do you want to come with us Ms Pulya?"

"no thank you Ayoko" said Pulya "I've already eaten, but I'd be more than happy to join you next time"

"okay...see you later" said Saku waving her goodbye. Pulya watched him go

"well I'd better get that letter written. And tell Mother to expect company"

Saku had made it to the breakfast room where Sora had made a fry-up in Saku's room. Saku, Mochi, Ayoko and Sora were tucking into the breakfast Sora had laid out for them "you know Sora, if this bio-duelling career doesn't work out" said Saku "you could always make it as a part-time chef"

"I can sort of her wearing those white poofy hats" said Ayoko drawing the shape of it above her head

"I think I'd be pretty good" said Sora proudly "but I think I'd have a lot of male viewers" Sora folded her arms, bouncing her chest "for all the wrong reasons"

"you'd still make money either way" said Mochi jokingly "but I don't think Aries would approve"

Saku was about to take a bite of sausage but stopped "what's the matter Saku?" asked Mochi "are you not hungry?"

"no...I just noticed that Anastasia hasn't turned up yet" said Saku "is she still in her room?"

"I did tell her I was serving breakfast" said Sora looking at the door "maybe she went to find Anaeus. He's currently practising with Kai"

"then I'll go find her and see where she is" Saku stood up from the table, putting the plate by the sink "thanks for the meal Sora. I'll be back in a little bit"

"okay see you later Saku" said Ayoko waving him goodbye.

Saku looked to Sora's room checking if Anastasia was there first. He was about to knock but the door swung open "oh...hello Anastasia. There you are"

"'ve been looking for me?" said Anastasia closing the door behind her

"well...yeah. Sora said she asked you to come to breakfast but you didn't turn up so I came to find you"

"oh so it was Sora who asked you. It didn't occur you to find me yourself" she said a bit coldly "look I'm late, I told Anaeus I was going to go join him" Anastasia was about to walk off

"hey, hey hold on"

Saku ran in front of her " everything okay? You seem...I don't know unhappy lately"

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