Chapter 22 - Sibling Reunion

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(Part 1 of 2)

It was now only a little over two weeks until the next elimination match of the bio-duelling championship. And today was a...sort of special day. One that Saku wasn't too enthusiastic about as he sat up on his bed a bit depressed. Anaeus looked at him and saw him sigh "'re really a bit mortified about this aren't you?"

"It's Cora that I'm terrified of seeing" said Saku with much fear "dare I say it, I prefer Lexi over her"

"how bad is she?" asked Ayoko

"put it this way, imagine the strictest principle you can think of...and she's your Mother at the same time"

Anaeus felt a small shiver "that does sound rather bad. Well at least you'll be able to see the other two"

"Lexi I don't think will be coming to see me" said Saku "Aries I'd love to meet again...but I'll have to take a deep breath when I see her. And whenever I'm around her...not to think a single dirty thought"

"I can imagine several might be in your position Saku" said Anaeus "the principle did spring this on us"

Anaeus called back to the day before when he and Saku were sparring against one another. As they did, a familiar chime echoed "hello everyone, it's the overseer Zhao here. And I'm here to tell you of the conditions for the end of this month. This time you need accumulated wins in order to advance to the fourth, and maybe, final month"

"For solo's you need two wins. Groups of two and three need three wins. And any groups over four need five. Now for rules. You cannot turn down a challenge unless you're ill, injured or otherwise engaged in a matter of great importance. Addition You may not challenge anyone who has already qualified, and vice-versa anyone who has qualified can't challenge anyone else.  In case you can't make the amount of wins, but you still remain you may pass by technicality. This may sound steep...but I am only expecting a minor few solo's and groups for Month four"

Saku listened to Zhao's "Since I'm a group of six, I need five wins. So with Sora's victory over Ryuu...we have four left"

"We need three wins" said Anaeus "and since Kai beat someone up a couple of days ago, we need two more"

"So good luck everyone" said Zhao "either accumulate your wins, or fight everyone at the end of the month it's up to you. Now for a second announcement. Tomorrow is a special free day, where's one family is invited to come and visit. Or you can go meet them. And I have taken the liberty of inviting them too"

"what!?" exclaimed Saku "he has to be kidding"

"have fun everyone"

The time returned to the bedroom with Saku sighing again "oh well nothing that can be done now. I'd best prepare myself. So first breakfast time. I'm going to need my strength" just then a knock at the door

"come in" called Anaeus to which the door opened "oh hey Sora, good morning"

"good morning everyone" said Sora with a pile of pancakes on a plate "I brought you some breakfast to share"

"Oh nice!" said Saku "thanks Sora"

"I'll get the plates out than we can eat" said Ayoko hurrying to the cupboard. Sora smiled as she put the plate of pancakes onto the table

"oh Saku, you'd better go say goodbye to Anastasia" said Sora "she said she's going to meet her parents today"

"oh okay" said Saku "don't eat them all"

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