Chapter 13: Kindred Spirit

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Anaeus and Saku were casually conversing on the events that had happened. The topic then shifted to Ayoko. Anaeus expressed his gratitude on Saku looking after Ayoko, and how much she has taken to him. Saku then asked why Ayoko isn't a fighter...but Anaeus didn't reply. As the two made it to the training room...Jay was there.

Jay wanted a bio-duel saying it would answer his...curiosity. The two expressed their disgust but his words simply angered the pair. Anaeus couldn't hold it back, and demanded a which Jay introduced his opponent, a girl called Suzuna. And with that, the fight began...the two oblivious to what was going to take place.

Jay was the first to move. Jay started by swinging wide kicks at Saku making him block and retreat backwards. Anaeus was the second to move, embalming his body with flames and began launching torrents of flame at Suzuna. Suzuna, similar to a gymnast, began flipping and somersaulted to evade the flames. Saku was still blocking Jay's attacks as he shrugged off a kick "alright Jay. My turn" Saku began thrusting out blows at Jay.

Jay, quite calmly, swayed and evaded the blows as if it was easy. Then as Saku swung out a kick, Jay simply grabbed it "this is becoming rather pathetic Saku. Can you at least try to lose?" Saku grimaced in annoyance as he freed his leg and continued attacking. Anaeus wasn't having any better luck. Suzuna was swiftly avoiding every attack he threw

"the idea of a bio-duel is to fight back you know" said Anaeus impatiently

"if you so wish" said Suzuna "make sure you don't moan about it"

Suzuna then sprinted forward. Suzuna continued flipping and jumping over and away from the flames. Before Anaeus knew it, Suzuna reached him. Suzuna then struck Anaeus at his right arm, on his inner elbow, fore-arm and then shoulder. There was no pain, but his arm felt tingly and slightly numb.

Anaeus flexed his body, producing a burst of flames. Suzuna managed to back-flip backwards, several times, jumping and landing on her feet. "alright...let's try this again!" however as Anaeus thrust his arm forward "hey...what's going on?" his right hand was unresponsive and flames didn't appear either "what the heck!? What's up with my hand? And why can't I summon flames?" in a note of fear he checked his left hand which ignited " power hasn't gone" Anaeus breathed out in relief "But what did she do?"

"I'm afraid you'll have to find that out" said Suzuna smugly

Saku was still swinging punches and kicks, but with no success as Jay continued to evade him "alright, that's enough of a warm up exercise I think" Jay caught Saku's fist "let's get this show on the road" Jay pulled Saku towards him and then punched his gut. Jay then kneed Saku under his chin, while spinning round and striking Saku with a roundhouse kick sending him through the air. Jay then held his arm, which lit up with electricity, and shot a stream of lightning. Saku managed to recover and crossed his arms to shield himself from the lightning.

Saku took the lightning, but managed to flip backwards to skid along the floor and stop nearby Anaeus "dam...that stung. But compared to before, I managed to resist it this time. How are you holding up Anaeus?"

"not too good" Anaeus said holding his right hand "Suzuna did something to my hand" Saku ran over and had a look to see his right hand barely moving "it won't move and I can't summon flames down my right arm" Saku focused and waved his hand down Anaeus' arm

"strange...your B.U.S isn't being channelled down your arm. What did Suzuna do?"

"she punched my arm, in weird places" Anaeus directed where Suzuna struck him "and then it happened"

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