Chapter 33: Feelings of the Heart??

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It was the next morning, with Saku, Pulya and Mochi were due back to the championship academy. During this morning, two other were arriving much earlier than them...that of Jay and Xene. Xene had taken Jay to see something, as they arrived through the foyer...Jay was notably if great shock had overcome him.

As Jay lumbered in, Xene looked at him " to Jay?" Xene waved his hand in-front of his face "hello planet earth calling Jay?" Jay grabbed Xene's hand

"I'm fine Xene" jay sounded notably bitter "will you stop playing around and tell me what the plan is!?" Jay threw Xene's hand back who shook it limply

"you're a touchy one aren't you? I'm surprised you believe me so easily. Considering you couldn't give a monkey's before"

"Shut up will you and tell me what is we have to do!"

Jay sounded very impatient for some reason "alright, alright take out the hot poker that's been inserted and take a chill pill" said Xene "while time is of the essence, very important essence, we still have a chance to correct it. Which we will do very shortly"

"did you work out what was the cause of why your plan went wrong?" asked Jay to which Xene's temperature changed to frustration

"the three, nuisances I should have taken care of from the start. Sora, Anaeus and Ayoko. I wondered why I thought those three didn't matter to me, and now I know why"

Xene looked to be reflecting "my plan had never took anything into account. At first I didn't notice anything since the plan started from day one. When Saku had acquired the bio-tuner ability"

"An ability that should've been mine" said Jay

" That was an error on my part. It was his all along, but anyway. The path I had laid out Saku was travelling down correctly, but had extra points and bends. So my plan played out a littttllee differently, but it still kept going towards the finish line...only to skewer off at the end"

Xene then looked serious "now, we no longer have influence anymore in any of his friends. Hidan's power, which is supposed to draw out the darkness in peoples heart, only seems to have strengthened the bonds Saku had forged. Although it worked on Anastasia, her strong love...uhhh...sorry threw up in my mouth a little"

"I just did the same thing" said Jay burping

"well anyway, her...emotion, yes that's better, broke straight through the darkness. And somehow that twerp Ayoko...has expunged all of the darkness which clung to Saku's heart. So there's no chance of us manipulating him anymore"

Xene then sighed "in order for my grand plan to go back on track, we have to take care of Saku aaannnddd the threesome of Sora, Anaeus and Ayoko. It's the only way we can guarantee our plan succeeds this time"

"and you plan to do" asked Jay

"Why...we deal with all four at one time. Right now, I have to go. I need to start getting the army ready. We have to mobilize tomorrow, I can already feel my power begin to dwindle with every hour that goes by. So do whatever you want today, relax, read a comic whatever teenagers do these days"

Jay looked very unimpressed "How is it you go from complete serious to an idiot?"

"Trust me...if you live the life the way I've laid it out for you" said Xene "you'll soon see the brighter side of things. Now then, I'll be back by tonight. So like I said, relax for the day"

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