Day 97 - A place you went today

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Day 97 - A place you went today

I am so tired, but I decided I should not miss anymore days. Today I drove to LA. I woke early, took a shower and then made some breakfast for my family, then left for LA. The drive there was 3 hours long, and I was alone. I wished that I had someone with me to at least talk. I wasn't even able to make a phone call, because I needed my phone for the GPS. It turned out that the phone died 2 minutes before I actually made it to the house I was going to.

Luckily, I got there safely, I was able to use my spare charger to charge the phone. I met two little girls and a cute baby boy. The little girls made me read Tangled to them, then we talked while they were painting their nails. After that I had to drive back 3 hours to go home. I am so tired, but I had a good day with some great little girls.

Food For Thought

All virtues, when practiced regularly, grow in size. Cultivate the virtues of love, kindness, joy, - and you will be rewarded with a life filled with love, kindness and joy.

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