Day 39 - Your Favorite Picture

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Day 39 - Your Favorite Picture

Okay, tonight is going to be short and possibly bitter...

The picture you're looking at is my nephew. Remember? The one I made the rug for? Yes him... So far he is my only nephew, I might have another one soon. But until then, I am going to say that this is my favorite picture. He is so adorable, I love him more than anything. I can't imagine ever loving someone that much, but I do and this feeling is weird.

Now I have to tell you something serious... My nephew, my poor baby is showing signs of autism. If you don't know what that is I would suggest you go read "learning to love my brother" by ColdFirePlace. He is only 19 months old, but he is already showing lots of signs and my sister was recommended to see a specialist with him. I am praying with all my might that he is not diagnosed with autism. I can't even begin to tell you how hard that is on our family and he is not even diagnosed yet. SO this is what I am asking, if you believe in God, please pray for our family. Even if you don't believe in Him, still say a prayer for him, He might hear you.

To everyone reading this, thank you for taking the time to read and if you are saying a prayer, thanks.

Food For Thought

If you feel yourself floundering in the sea of life, try leaning back and floating. Let yourself be supported. Gaze into the beautiful sky and allow time for your spirit to be refreshed. Then when you are feeling stronger, simply choose a direction and start swimming.

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