Day 59 - Your most used electronic device

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Day 59 - Your most used electronic device

I don't have an ipod, iphone, or the latest gadget. I have a camera that works whenever it feels like it, and so that leaves me with my phone as my most used electronic device. It's the cheapest phone service ever, well maybe not the cheapest but it doesn't cost me a limb.

My phones have always been my lifelines. I got this one recently after the one I showed you before went crazy on me. I use this one throughout the day, literally. It's my alarm, which goes off at 6:15. Then I use it to read the Bible (Youversion Bible app). I use to listen to pandora (when I take a walk). I guess I should say it's an android phone. The apps I use constantly are adobe reader, bank app, Bible, calculator, calendar, camera, clock, dictionary, email, facebook, flixter (movie app), internet, jewels (like bejeweled), maps, message, pandora, paypal, photobucket, thinkfree office (allow me to read microsoft office documents), visual message and my personal favorite wattpad.

It is my most used device, even though I hardly make phone calls. What is your most used electronic device?

Food For Thought

The more you are, the more you can be for others. You cannot give to others what you do not have yourself. First, make yourself emotionally, physically, spiritually wealthy, and then freely give to others.

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