Day 58 - Your Favorite Animal

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Day 58 - Your Favorite Animal

I came to the conclusion that I don't have a favorite animal. I like lions, turtles, dogs, cats, parrots, fish, pandas... etc. If I could be an animal, I think I'd want to be a porcupine. Why? I don't know. I have never given it much thought, except that they have those awesome spike, and it would be kind of hard to mess with them. I have at some point in my life owned a dog, a cat, ,a turtle, a parrot, a fish. I've never had a lion until Sadie, I hope you remember her. I've never had a panda either.

Since I couldn't settle on a favorite animal, I decided to go with the pet we have right now. We got her a week ago from the pound and I must say, she loves her new home. She knows that she is beautiful and spoiled. Her name is Sophie, she enjoys long walks and chewing on anything but her toys. Her favorite chew thing is a sock, other times she prefers one of the boys.

I should tell you that most of my pets have met some tragic ends. My turtle was set free by my sister, she waited for me to go to work and she set the turtle free. Kiwi our parrot now lives with my best friend, she is so mean to Lucky (my friend's dog). My fish were taken out of their tank by my evil little cousin (she thought it was fun to see them outside of the tank). One of my cats was so lazy, she wouldn't even get up to eat, she also liked sharing her food with the mice. My dogs, um... they were more like family members. My yougest sister bit one once, when we asked her why, she stated that the dog bit her first.

This is it.

This food for thought is more for me than anyone else.

Food For Thought

You were not created to remain within the confines of a building. There is a whole big beautiful world that was created for you. Go forth into it! Humans were not made to be indoor creatures; nature is our true playground.

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