Day 45 - Your Favorite Food

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Day 45 - Your Favorite Food

Tonight I am hanging out with ColdFirePlace, we had Chinese food (very chewy Chinese food), cold pizza, and we're about to indulge ourselves with popcorn. We're watching movies, painting our nails, taking pictures, it's an epic sleepover...

Okay, I feel like this is a big repeat... I have done something similar to that already, I am not going to talk about my favorite food. Instead, I will tell you about something I cooked. I cooked this a couple of days ago, it was my dinner. it's baked salmon, mashed potatoes and baked broccolini. If you want the recipe let me know, I'll send you a private message. I love cooking.

Now I must go back to our fun night :)


Food For Thought

You've got what it takes. God won't give you more than you can handle. Although there may have been times you thought the world was caving in on you, you got through it. You are much stronger than you think and with God's power, you are stronger than you can imagine. So charge ahead, you can handle it.

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