Day 23 - A School Picture

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Day 23 - A School Picture

I am debating whether or not it's a good idea to do this post.

I am soooooooooo tired, I am exhausted, I am done, pooped, finished... (Fill in the blanks). Today is Saturday, it was meant to be a relaxing day, instead, I find myself waking up at 6:15, too early for a Saturday. Before 8am, I am playing an intense game of magic, which does not end well. We decide we need breakfast, so we go and eat some beautifully made chocolate chips pancakes.

The day is so beautiful, we are drawn to the outdoors. The boys want to play lacrosse, I want to enjoy the sun by just sitting on a rock. I didn't get my wish because half an hour later I am running with a lacrosse stick and I am trying to catch the ball, but instead of landing in the net where it belongs, the ball lands perfectly in my face. This is great, I am going to pretend I'm hurt and this game will be over.

The plan backfires, because now I am playing soccer. Apparently I can't get hurt in the face with a soccer ball. I run out of breath, I sit down, I drink some water and the game resumes. Soon the game is over, I miss every single goal and I want this torture to be over. But the day is so beautiful, we can't go inside, so we play football. I am a receiver, then a quaterback. I catch the ball, it's time to go back in.

We finally get inside, the day continues.  It's 11pm, time for shower and bed. I get in the shower, I am done , I get out but I realize my hair is not washed. I get back in the shower and wash it. I slip on my pjs and get in bed, but I have to post a school picture.I have school pictures but I don't know where they are.

The pictures are from when I used to go private, catholic  all girl school. I doubt you can see me in there but I couldn't find anything else. A little background info on this picture. I went to this school since I was 6, I met on of my best friend there when I was 6. Years later we are still friends and we talk about our adventures at the school. We wore all the same uniforms, and the nun made us seat all the same way.

I am seriously so tired, my eyes are closing, I hope this is not full of mistake. I might have even said things I won't remember. I am going to come back and check this and make sure it fine tomorrow. Until then, have a goodnight.

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