Day 71 - A picture of your favorite piece of jewelry

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Day 71 - A picture of your favorite piece of jewelry

Until tonight, I didn't have a favorite piece of jewelry. If you can't tell by now, I like most of the things I do to have a meaning. Naturally when I went in my jewelry box, I couldn't decide, that was until my eyes landed on that particular necklace. I knew instantly it was a favorite, it may not be THE favorite, but it's one and that is enough for me.

I received this necklace from the pastor's wife from my church. She gave it to me along with a letter that touched me deeply. There was also a card that had the meaning of my name and and some verses to go along with it. It was a great gesture and it brought me to tears, but that's not the reason I love this necklace. As you can see it's a key. When I got this, I had just finished a study called Breaking Free. It was an eye opener and it was great. But did you know that in our world there is over 27 million victims of human trafficking? I know this is an overwhelming number, but let's not think about that. Let's think about ONE. One person, one girl or maybe one boy, I don't know, ONE. I was introduced to the A21 Campaign, which works towards helping these people get free, one person at a time. This necklace is a reminder that I have a duty to these people, help them break  free. I might not be able to lead a rescue mission to them, but I can pray for them.

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Food For Thought

Nothing is more difficult, and therefore more precious, than to be able to decide. 

~Napoleon Bonaparte~

100 Days Picture Challenge...Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora