D-2: Different Worlds 1/2

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The guys woke up at 4am for their suprise preparation for Taehyung. Everybody cooperated but Yoongi seemed to be not in the mood as usual.

Seokjin and Namjoon were assigned to cook the foods, Hoseok and Yoongi to clean and Jimin and Jungkook to decorate. Everyone wrote a personal note for him and left it in places that a normal person will find it totally weird.

Before rushing outside, Jimin clicked the play button for the wake up music they set for Taehyung which is his most favorite.

They first checked in a hotel for it was too early to do their favored activity.
When the sun finally raised up and they know that Taehyung's already enjoying, they all went out and separated.

Namjoon and Seokjin went out for a date as well as Hoseok and Froullie while Yoongi managed to go for a shopping alone. What Jungkook and Jimin will do is already up to them.


"hyung,.." Jungkook called.

Jimin didn't turn his head to him, he knows that Jungkook's not referring to him. He knows that Jungkook never called him with respect.

"hyung." Jungkook repeated.

"...maybe he's just pertaining to the dog.."

"..Jiminie hyung." he called for the third time.

"..hm?.." Jimin finally responded.

"what should we do?"

"don't ask me, it's up to you."

"..let's just walk around."

The two walked around the street while Jungkook kept on talking about Taehyung which made Jimin upset.

"he's probably enjoying at the dorm right now. " Jungkook said.

"...yeah." Jimin responded timidly.

"the music, the decorations, the letters, the foods, the presents, no doubt he'll be really happy."

"..i know!"

"i wonder what he did first. the letter hunting's the best part." Jungkook said again with an unending smile to his face, "i guess the rectangular smile's already presㅡ"

"ugh! can you just please stop talking about him!? if you want to see him then go back to the dorm and just leave me alone."

Jimin walked out fast with the madness drawn across his face. Jungkook followed him on his back while snickering. He really likes fooling around. well, he succeeded, he made his hyung mad again.

Jungkook followed him until Jimin entered an arcade room so he did.  Jimin bought tokens and played the claw prize machine with bunny plushies inside without him knowing that Jungkook's actually watching him.

For the thirteenth try, Jimin wasn't still able to get the prize. Maybe because he's allowing the pique to control over him or he's just being too savage with the joystick?

"oh come on! i'm almost out of tokens! give that bunny to me already!" Jimin yelled at the machine as he moved the joystick as hard as it was going to break soon.

Jungkook chuckled quietly and decided to walk nearer to reveal his self. He walked behind him and slowly slid his both hands to Jimin's waist when he finally reached him.

"..do you like me that much, hyung?" Jungkook teased.

"..why are you here? i told you to go back to our dorm." Jimin responsed, still being mad at him while playing with the machine uncontrollably.

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