It's You

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[ Narrator ]

November 11th

6:00 am

Jihyeong woke up early to take chimchim for a walk.
she tied the blue lace around it's neck then opened the exit door.. revealing a big present box infront of her.

she took it with her inside and opened it immediately.
there's three big packs of peperos having different flavors; original, almonds & strawberry in the box. there's also a card inside, it might contain the name of the sender.

"Happy Pepero Day, Jihyeongie!!! ... love, taehyungie.." she red outloud

"oh, i almost forgot.. well, thank you for this.." she uttered while placing them on the fridge.

At the dorm, the guys are happily munching each sticks of their peperos..
except for taehyung.

"why are you not eating yours?.." jimin asked.

"i gave them away." he replied

"you mean, all those three boxes that costs ₩10,000 each??"


" whom?"

"to..your love."

"ah. well, thank you. you put my name on it, didn't you?" jimin said, patting taehyung's head

"u..uh..yeah." he lied

"good dog.. i'll just give mine to you if you want."

" dare you call me dog!??" taehyung said on his mind

"that's right, taehyungie. choose to help me over her than jungkook." jimin also said to his mind

.. of course, Taehyung heard it.

Taehyung's phone suddenly ringed, Jihyeong was calling him.

he went somewhere to answer the phone call.. so that no one else could hear their conversation .

Taehyung: um, hello!?
Jihyeong: wahh! thank you for these!!!'re welcome.
Jihyeong: uhm, i'm just wondering if you are busy...
Taehyung: ..sorry, i'm not busy. i'm kim taehyung.
Jihyeong: ... i..i mean, if you are busy today? do you have something to do?
Taehyung: nope. um..why?
Jihyeong: i'm bored here at my apartment and i'm planning to take chimchim for a walk today...
Taehyung: ..then?
Jihyeong: do you want to come with me?
Taehyung: to.. where??
Jihyeong: *swears* at the park of course, we'll take him for a walk!
Taehyung: ....
Jihyeong: it's okay if you don't want to.
Taehyung: ......
Jihyeong: hey, you still there??
Taehyung: ......

Taehyung went to her apartment.

he teleported.

"Ya!! over here!!" taehyung shouted while waving his hands up outside

Jihyeong turned her head on the window and saw him there standing, she was suprised.

(a/n: just imagine taehyung's wearing the outfit he wore on i need u!)

8:00 am

After running with the pet for a while, the two strolled around the park while eating candy flosses.

Jihyeong stared at Taehyung eating the floss like a kid, like it is his first time eating it.

"So cute.."

A Life With The Seven BoysOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz