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The time finally came for their recess.

Jihyeong strolled outside the hallways alone, trying to search for the cafeteria.

When she was about to turn left, she accidentally bumped into someone way taller than her.

He smelt so nice and he's very good looking. Every piece of him seemed perfect and he looked like someone who's born from a royal family.

The only bad thing is that Jihyeong made a total catastrophe. She stepped on his foot and the worst thing is that he was holding a tray loaded with bunch of foods that made a big stain on his finely ironed uniform.

The guy just stared at it and also to the foods that have been spoiled to the floor. Jihyeong also got a stain on her uniform but of course, the guy got a bigger one.

The guy just stood there like nothing happened.

"I..I'm really sorry.." Jihyeong uttered nervously.

He just looked at her, not even giving a single word back.

"i said sorry!"

"..whatever." he murmured

He was already going to leave but Jihyeong blocked his way.

"W-wait! how about these mess? i mean, your uniform, it's ruined. i'm sorry. I can wash it myself if you want?"

"Does it mean that you want me to take it off?" He asked while smirking.

"No! of course not.. i mean, "

"Get out of my way. You're wasting my time." He said and walked away.

Jihyeong was left there with the spoiled foods, not knowing what she should do with it. She then managed to run away to find the nearest washroom when she saw a janitor coming from the distance.

She ran rapidly and successfully entered a washroom... But then it turned out to be the boy's.

She was lucky enough that there's no one inside except for her... Not until she heard a cubicle opening, revealing a guy who's just few inches taller than her.

The guy stood there in suprise for seeing a girl inside. He stared at her and she panicked.

"S..sorry! i'm very sorry. i gotta go."

She decided to exit the washroom and twisted the knob repeatedly but she can't open it that easy for it wasn't a normal door.

"How do they open this!?"

"Leaving already?..But you just came. You must stay for a while. " The guy said while smirking and giving her a sharp glance.

"No..I-i really need to go.." She said nervously.

Without any pre-cautions, He violently pulled her hand and pinned her onto the wall while cornering her with his both arms.

"Hey..w..what are you doing!?" She squealed with his widened eyes.

"Woah, so pretty. Let me guess, you're new here?" He asked while bringing his face closer to her.

He got small drawn eyes, plump lips and sharp jawlines that made him look extremely fierce and hot.

"Let me go!"

"hm, You're blushing.." He teased.

"Me?.. no! I'm n-"

"shh.. silence, pretty lady. My name is Jimin, how about you?" He said while putting too much air with his voice, brushing his hair back and revealing his pretty forehead that made Jihyeong felt even more nervous.

"what on earth is he planning to do with me!?"

"I..i 'm Jihyeong.."

"What a nice name. It's nice to meet you, Jihyeong. What brought you here?"

"It's out of your business..c-can you just please..let me go?"

"oh, you really wanna go?"


He then picked his phone out from his pocket and stared back at her.

"Well okay then, you may go."

  He walked out while still holding the smirk on his face. But when he was about to reach the exit door of the washroom, he turned his head back to give her one final gaze and said;

"Meet me later, 12:25pm at the library. I'll be expecting you to come."

A Life With The Seven BoysWhere stories live. Discover now