D-3: Aspire

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[a/n:IMPORTANT: i've already finished writing this story and the following later chapters have been already on my draft for months. (i wasn't able to publish it because of a problem with our network) nothing here is associated with anything occuring in the present or that occured in the past. i didn't copied anything and everything's just a work of my imagination. everything's my own idea.]


Namjoon opened his eyes slowly, letting out a yawn while extending his arms until he realized that Seokjin's also sleeping in the same bed. He slept inside his room. 

"...beautiful" He murmured as he stared carefully at Seokjin's angelic sleeping face.

he lifted his head up until he reached the other's face to give him a morning kiss like what he used to do.

if Seokjin didn't wake up with a single kiss on the cheek, then Namjoon will give him another one again and repeatedly until he felt that he's awake.

Seokjin won't actually open his eyes when he felt Namjoon waking him up. Instead, he'll still lie there and pretend he's asleep but of course, he can't hide his smile from his face.

Namjoon will then sense that he's awake. He's that type of guy who'll usually tease his partner when it gets hard and stubborn.

"ah, you won't wake up huh.."

He then reached his lip to give him a teasing light kiss. they often do that in the morning but that's not always the case. There's some times that it usually gets wild whenever Namjoon felt like it after doing an activity... that installs thousand of viruses on their devices...even on Jungkook's phone.

Seokjin just let Namjoon to kiss him.
As for he was wearing white shorts in the moment, Namjoon can caress his hip and leg. They were so enjoying the moment until Taehyung violently pushed the door to enter inside the room causing them to stop doing their activity.

"Hyung! where's my phone!?" He yelled.

"don't you know how to knock!?" Namjoon yelled back as he tried to get up from the bed.

Taehyung stared at him just to realize what they were doing earlier. Seokjin got embarassed infront of the younger although he know he shouldn't be. He got all red and tried to hide inside his blanket.

"Where is it, hyung!?" Taehyung asked.

"i don't know! i haven't used it since last week."

Namjoon can still figure out that Taehyung's way acting too different from the real him. He then thought of leaving the room to have a little conversation with him.

When it's weekend, they all go crazy and hyped up with the morning hiphop music they set to charge them up. They go dancing, singing and rapping while the youngers clean and the elders cook.
...except for Yoongiㅡhe's the technical, incharge of setting the music playlist and incharge of fixing every stuff that Namjoon destroys.

But as they walk through the living room, they only saw Hoseok sitting on the couch while reading a book and there wasn't neither a sound nor a noise at all...It feels completely different from what their dorm used to be.

Taehyung avoided having eye contacts as they sat down to join hoseok on the couch. He was really noticeable for that behaviour and Namjoon seemed to be curious and worrying about it for he was already like an elder brother to him. 

"..what's the probㅡ" Namjoon spoke out but Taehyung interrupted him that quick.

"i don't know don't start me with mathematics."

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