The Truth

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November 9th

7: 30 am

Jihyeong woke up to an another ordinary lonely day at her apartment.

she sat on the couch on the living room and stared at her place while sipping his mug of white coffee.

broken vases, glasses, paper works, books and albums are scattered everywhere. it's not that because a thief entered her apartment but she throwed a tantrum yesterday night.

she have thrown everything she saw, cried and got her eyes swollen the next morning.

after she finished eating her breakfast, she stood up and started picking up the mess and re-arranged things back to its original places.

she walked across and stopped by a mirror and thought, "Look how ugly you are with those eyes."

she lied down the sofa and started thinking again of the moment she's with seokjin yesterday.. just to lessen the hurt she gained when Mrs. Kim told her about that thing.

"This is totally..wonky. i should stop being like this."

her feelings for seokjin, that have been playing dead for months, gained life again.

"this is weird.. i know he can't have the feelings i have for him.. it's impossible. he loves namjoon and maybe he loves me only as a friend."

her phone rings as Seokjin messaged her.

"how do you feel now? are you okay? .. if so, can you meet me today at the park? i got something important to tell you."

she started wondering again.

she replied;

"i'm not a hundred percent okay but i think it will go away once i spend time outside.. what time today?"

Seokjin replied;

" 2pm sharp.. at  gangnam west park."

Jihyeong shutted her phone down and placed it on the table. she became unsteady and confused, she don't know what to do.

should she meet him at the park or just stay at her apartment?

she don't know what will happen if she did.

"ugh. let ironman decide my fate." she uttered, stood up and headed to the bathroom, knowing that it is the only corner without installed cctvs.

good place to have a conversation to yourself without looking like an idiot infront of the owner.

she went back to the kitchen to grab some snacks.
pity, you lady. you got nothing inside your fridge.

either the drawers were empty, jars of grounded coffee beans and creamers is all what she got.

"i won't be taking caffeine as my lunch."

she strolled up to her room to bring out some money hidden from her closet.

"is ₩100,000 enough?.. what do you think?" she said as she looked down to her pet, chim chim who's frolicking around her leg.

she got dressed with a comfy brown sleeves, ripped jeans with a dark belt and a high cut sepia colored shoe. her outfit matches the season well.

she wanna wear a beanie to finish the look but she only got a pink one and she will looked too dressed for grocery shopping.

she tied her hair up in a bun letting some strand down, making a messy look.

she then exit the apartment and go walking til she reach the grocery store.

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