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3:15 pm

we finally got out of seokjin's room and the yoongi-ghost disappeared and never showed to us because...

taehyung placed crucifix and crosses around their dorm.

the real yoongi finally woke up.. he doesn't even have an idea what happened earlier.

seokjin went to the department store to buy some clothes for me then got back immediately.

it's time to leave~~

3:45 pm

jungkook wanted to drive me home but he's still not allowed since he doesn't have a driver's liscence.
so seokjin did drive for me and the guys also joined.

yoongi was also forced to join us because we're worried that the spirit might harm him if he just stayed there alone.

4:00 pm

i stepped out of the van and said goodbye to them.

"bye guys!!" i yelled, waving my hands to them

"bye!!" they yelled back staring outside the van's window

"take care!!" jungkook added

i then heard jimin cursed at him after that.

i watched them as they go away..

such a bunch of lovely dorks.

i went inside my apartment and there's chimchim cheerfully suprising me.

i looked at his food container and there's still some bits of dog food which seemed to be the most expensive one.

oh no.. seokjin, you shouldn't have bought that.

i went to my room and reclined to the bed.

it was so quiet inside that i can only hear the ticking of the clock. i stared at the ceiling, the walls..

then my eyes stopped by looking at the calendar.

it's nov... okay. enough. i'll remember him.

we got a two-week break from class which is really reallyyy good because i'm starting to hate school because i always get my schedule loaded with projects, homeworks and many more.

other schools only got a week but were so lucky to have two weeks. HAHA *evil laugh*

..good thing i just got one homework;

Biography of Kim Taehyung.

lol *chuckles*

it's chemistry. our lesson is kinda hard but i'll try to study it more by myself. we'll be back at 15th..

.. i only got this homework and no more else .. what should i do... uhm..

*thinking for anything i can do in two weeks*

..visit my family!!!


i already missed 'em!


okay.. okay.. i'll go to daegu at um.. november 5th perhaps.

i'll just finish this stuff first.

uhm.. should i call mom to tell them i'll go there or..

..maybe i should just suprise them. :)

6:00 pm

so i did alot of research about our chemistry lesson and i got my homework done.

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