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Jihyeong was left on the boys' restroom, Hoping that no one will enter inside.

She managed to look at the mirror and saw her uniform's coat stained with some mustard and ketchup.

"This is so gross.."

She took her coat off, washed the stained part and folded it into fours.

"They won't sent me to the guidance office if i only wear this white uniform without my coat right?"

She then noticed that her uniform's missing a button on the upper part. Good thing, She got some safety pin with her.

She then started to wonder if she's going to meet the guy he met earlier on the library later or not.

"first, i don't know him. he's handsomeness shouldn't be an excuse. Second, we just met. Third, he looked like a total perㅡ"

She realized that she have been inside the boy's restroom for too long and she haven't eaten yet.

She checked her time and sneaked out the restroom even before someone caught her.

She saw no signs of any guys nearby so she felt comfortable and worry free.

She walked more until she finally saw a cafeteria on the distance. She entered and tried to find a seat for herself.

But because it's the first day, almost everything's still unorganized. The cafeteria's overpopulated and she could barely see a space.

She then saw a four chaired table with three guys who looked like in a higher level than her that one seat's still unoccupied. She got no more option but to ask to seat with them, It's Do or Starve.

"Excuse me, can i sit here?"

"Sure." One of the guys replied.

Those guys turned out to be really noisy, which made Jihyeong to get irritated and annoyed.

"..No choice." She sighed.

"have my seen rainbow you horseu!? i am looking him but i don't see." Said an english trying speaker cheerful guy.

As being taught with that language when she was still a kid, Jihyeong can understand and speak English fluently.

"ya, stop it! " said a green haired guy to him.


"by the way, do we have art classes today?"

"i don't know. have you already checked our class schedule ?"

"Not yet."

The guys talked more about alot of stuffs which made Jihyeong felt so out of place.

"hey, what's your name?" said the green haired guy inferring to Jihyeong.

"Me?.. i'm Jihyeong." She replied.

" jihyeong! you very niceu name. my name  is hoseokeu. call me hobi !" said the guy earlier.

"Aish.. when will you stop speaking in english? By the way, Jihyeong I am Seokjin. just call me Jin." Said the blond haired guy while giving a smile to her.

Jihyeong felt like she were just dreaming the moment when Seokjin looked at her.

"..Are he even real? ..."

For her he was extremely handsome. His eyes, his lashes, his nose, his lips, his face. He looked so perfect like an actual prince who just came out of a fantasy book.

"This is totally surreal."


"Why? Jin hyung really handsomeu!?"  Asked Hoseok as he noticed Jihyeong spacing out to Seokjin.

"hobi, your grammar's wrong. ." said the green haired guy to hoseok.

"Your name is..?" Jihyeong said, offering a handshake to him.

"My name is Namjoon. No handshakes, please." he replied

"okay, nice to meet you, Namjoon."

"ah, why are you only wearing that? where's your coat?" Seokjin asked as he noticed her uniform.

"Some accident happened to me earlier and i got to take it off." She answered.

"you, what year now?" Hoseok asked.

"my year level?.. oh, i am in first year.. and you? " She replied

"oh. you can speak english too? well that's  cool. by the way, we, three are already in twelveth grade." Namjoon said

"So you will be graduating this year..?"

"yes. may i ask where you from?"

"i came from daegu. actually."

"oh daegu, our dongsaengs also came from there. they said it was a really nice city."

"yes it was really a nice city. have you been there?"

" we haven't been there yet but we would really like to go there if we'll have some time."

"oh engrisheu.. stop.. noseu bleeding." Hoseok uttered.

Namjoon and Jihyeong both laughed While there's Seokjin who's just smiling.

.. or fake smiling?

"Jin, what's wrong?" Namjoon asked

"nothing.. really." Seokjin replied while stuffing a lettuce on his mouth.

"wait, don't tell me..."

"what!? no!"

"then why are you so defensive?"

"No. I'm not."

"are you sure?"

".. whatever."

"don't worry, Jin. nothing will change."

Namjoon then placed his arms on to Seokjin's shoulder and then they both smiled at each other.

"what did namjoon exactly mean by nothing will change?"  She thought.

When there's only few minutes before their next class, Jihyeong and the elders decided to
exit the cafeteria.

"So Jihyeong, we need to go. we need to be early..nice meeting you." Seokjin said

"Nice meeting you too..and hobi and namjoon." Jihyeong replied.

"We gotta go! see you again!" Namjoon said while waving his hand to her.

Just then Seokjin stared at him. Jihyeong pretended like she haven't seen it.

"bye bye chiyeong friendeu~!"

10:00 am

The school bell finally rang. Jihyeong went inside their classroom with a bright face until she accidentally tripped into something on her way.

"What's this white thing? this Yoongi's leg?"

She tried to stand up from falling to the floor while Yoongi was still sleeping.

When she stood up, she got a closer look to his leg. It was very pale, flawless and skinny that made her envy it.

"Hey! i'm gonna sell your leg if you didn't say sorry to me!" She yelled at him.

"go and sell it for $3" He uttered and went back to sleep.

"Why would i sell it if i could just buy it myself?"

A Life With The Seven BoysTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon