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[ Jihyeong's POV ]

... w..what is wrong with him??

.. can he do this to me!?

after all he did and asked to me...

he'll just say that it was just a big joke!?

i.. i don't know what to feel right now..

i thought it was real at all..

i've even felt guilty that i could hurt him for my responses but he was really the one who will hurt me!!?


..he's the worst person i've ever known.

i don't want to see his face ever AGAIN.



.. decision were right, that i shouldn't answer him that quick.

.. just think of it.. what if i let myself to be his girlfriend then he confessed that it was just a prank? how will i feel!?


i should never trusted a younger..
i should never trusted someone whom i known got a bad attitude.
. heart felt that it broked.. that it got shattered into tiny thousand pieces..


there's no way i can forgive him.


where is my phone..


if i left it in their dorm then i'll just let it there.. i don't care.

i'll not go there.

*laptop rings*

*new facebook message*

Froullie Maxwell

heeyyy jiii!!!! guess what!


hobi asked me on a date tomorrow!!!

i'm so happy for you. :)

how about you? how's your
relationship with jungkook!?

...let's don't talk about it. hehe

w..what happened?

you know, there's really nothing
between kookie and I. so there's
nothing to talk about it. haha there a problem?

don't mind about it... just think
about your outfit for tomorrow!

will you help me?

um..sorry.. but i still got some stuffs
to do here.. i'll just tell you what i think
will look perfect for you and you'll
just buy it, is that okay?

of course!! thank you. <3

uhm..since you two got both bright
personalities.. i think a light, cute and comfortable outfit will match the date's atmosphere.. try some thin white tee
with some suspenders and a pink skirt.
then match it with a low cut pastel colored sneaker with some thin loose socks.
then make a messy double braids for your hair and wear some cute head accecory!
trust me, it will fit perfectly for you! :)

woah! you're such a professional.
thank you very much!!!

you're welcome.

just remember that if ever you
got a problem, don't hesitate to
tell me and i'll help you. ^^


she got a date ㅠㅠ
how about me?



don't ask


i will be inside my apartment until november 5th. i'll not go anywhere.. i swear.

i will go to daegu at 5th to visit my fam and to take away all this stuffs running inside my head..

.. but one thing's for sure..

i can't live without my phone.

i need it!!

.. won't anyone of them give it back to me!?


*praying that the kindest hyung; seokjin will found it and bring it here tomorrow*

gah it's already midnight. she.. h..he might be having fun with namjㅡ


am I wrong?

.. ah.. if you don't ship those two then lemme punch you.


he will probably bring it back to me tomorrow. (only if he did found it.. :'( .. )


i just hope that one of them will found my phone and give it back to me immediately.. without looking at my freakin' gallery.

if they saw my gallery then ..


no no no no no no no no


i'm not that kind of person who takes selcas oftenly.. i only got 5 selcas since last year and i transferred it to my laptop.. but the thing i'm worried about is that...

i got some stolㅡ

you already knew it, right?

well.. do i look like a total stalker for you?

.. i'm not a stalker..

more of a..



i oftenly take photos of beautiful things like; scenaries, moments and others.

i'm saving money to buy a camera for me so i'm just using my phone for now.

i consider them as beautiful creatures.
that's why i have taken photos of them.

i'm just too shy to tell them about it so i only have some few stolen shots of them.

now you know :)




i need to sleep now




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