She Wants A Cake

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[ Namjoon's POV ]

12:30 pm

Seokjin and I arrived at the seoul west cemetery, where his mother and father were buried.

we placed some mini boquet of white lily flowers to his parents' tomb and jin lit up two candles at both sides.

"mom, dad,.. i miss you.." he said looking at the tomb.

i scanned through the tombs..his father was named, 'Bom-Seok ' and his mother's name was 'Do-Hui' ; both died at 11th of September, at the year when seokjin's at the age of three.

he told me that his aunt and uncle adopted him, they accepted and raised him, and even treated like their own son.

"..i'd like you to meet namjoon..", he said, placing his arm over my left arm, "he's a very good and intelligent man, got an IQ of 900 and he got the same surname as us."

"um.. hi there, mr. and mrs. kim." i said in an awkward way.

"this may sound illogical.. but i want you; mom and dad, to accept him for he'll be my partner for life. " he said, still talking infront of his parents' tomb.

he looked at me, signaling me to say something to them.

"oh y..yeah.. i promise, i'll take good care of your son." i said.

"you can visit us at our dorm to see what he's been doing with me all the time.."

"what? no! .. mom, dad, please don't come to our dorm.. it's so noisy and there were alot of broken stuffs, you won't like it there and the kids wilㅡ"

"haha. calm down, namjoon." he said while smiling

he's just so cute when he smiles.

it rained suddenly so seokjin and i stood under a black umbrella.

of course it's mine. jinnie will probably have a pink or disney princess printed one.


"i lose my parents when i'm in the age of a kid who needs alot of love and care." he said, .. " how i wish there were still here.." he said in a mellow tone.

"..your parents brought such a very beautiful and kind creature to the world. i should be really thankful to them." i said

"..let's get inside the van now. it's getting cold." he said


we walked until we got at the place where our van is parked while i was still holding the umbrella up and my right arm placed around seokjin's waist.

"i said i while drive for you back, right?"

"oh yes." he smiled

i opened the van's door for him then he stepped inside and sat at the seat beside the driver's seat.

i also went inside and started driving away from the graveyard.

"i felt so glad to meet your time you'll meet mine." i said

"ohh that would be great..but i already feel nervous for it." he replied

"but why?"

"you know.. they are alive. way different from my parents. i don't know wether they will like me or not.. they might even put shame on you.., for liking someone who's not even a girl.." he said with teary eyes.

"no.. don't think like that. they will accept you for who you are no matter what."

" you think so?"

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