Chapter 10 ♥ : Ace

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"Luhan shii...isn't that...Chanyeol and Baekhyun over there?" Mi Young pointed.

"...B..Bwoh..?" Luhan turned his head to the other side of the streets and saw them walking together the same direction as both of them.

At the sight of them, he felt relieved and quickly covered his neck with a scarf while she was being distracted.

"Hyun ah! Chanyeol ah!" She called them over.

The guys turned their heads and were happy to see Mi Young. They crossed the road and walked towards them. Chanyeol put his arm on her shoulder while Baekhyun put his on Luhan's shoulder.

"Just coming back from work,babe?" Chanyeol asked.

"Yup. Where are you guys going?" She asked them.

"We thought of accompanying you home and went to the store but you had already left. So we thought of buying some snacks for the both of you," Baekhyun showed to Luhan and Mi Young.

"Haizz...I think we don't need to worry about her anymore cause she already had this guy walking her home...I'm sooo jealous..," Chanyeol sighed while looking at Luhan.

Luhan just gave a small smile and looked forward. Soon, they reached their house and Baekhyun gave the snacks to Mi Young. Chanyeol and Baekhyun decided to go home since they knew that she was safely home. Chanyeol gave a flying kiss as a goodbye kiss. Mi Young waved goodbye to them and they went inside the house as soon as they are gone.

Mi Young went straight to the kitchen to have a glass of water while Luhan went straight to his room. While she was drinking her water, she looked out of the window and saw a full moon.

"Wow...the moon is so beautiful today," She smiled to herself.

While admiring the moon, she heard something crash from the 2nd level of their house. She stopped drinking and heard someone familiar groaning in pain.

"Luhan shii?" Mi Young put her glasd of water on the counter top and walked upstairs.

The sound of broken things can be clearly heard and it led to his room. She slowly approached it and heard screams. She knocked on the door and called him out and tried to open it but it was locked.

"Luhan shii? Are you okay..?" She asked worriedly.


Meanwhile in his room, he was struggling with the pain and continuing crashing things in his room. He walked to the mirror and saw himself already transformed into some beast while gave a howl. Just then, he heard Mi Young knocking on the door and tried to find a way out. He saw the window and quickly jumped out from there.

He ran into the through the empty streets and into the dark forest.

Luhan ran until he saw a small cave. He crawled inside and there was nothing inside. He decided to stay for the night. He went to calm himself down and looked at his furry body, feeling resentment on himself. The cave had an open air at the top of the cave. He looked up at the full moon and started to howl like a wolf.


Back to the house, Mi Young heard that there was no sound of crashing anymore. She had took some spare keys from the drawer and unlocked the door. She twisted the door knob and was shocked to see the place. Broken things were everywhere but Luhan was not around. She looked around and saw that the window were wide opened. She looked out from the window and thought of some terrible outcomes.

Then she saw a note on top of the table and went to read it.

Don't come and look for me. I'll be okay. Sorry for the mess...My dog went to make trouble and jumped from the window. So I'm trying to find him now. Don't worry. I'll be back soon.

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