Chapter 60 ❤ The End of the Curse

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"...Luhan shii..Don't you remember me?" Mi Young stuttered while feeling the tension.

Luhan just growled fiercely and raised his claws towards her. The EXO members widened their eyes and wanted to help her but they just couldn't let themselves free. Half an hour before that happened, Tao who had been cooping himself in his room, felt something unusual and decided to take a look at the attic. He tiptoed and carefully opened the door and was astonished to see what was happening inside. He gasped and slowly closed the door. He leaned against the door and muttered to himself,"Why did Luhan hyung wanted to attack Mi Young?!..Unless.."

Tao opened the door again gently and watched his moves which were unusually  stiff. He then noticed Ara controlling him and gasped again. He closed the door and did not know what to do. The more he delayed, the worst the situation will be.

"I need to do something..! But what..? Think Tao!!" He said softly to himself while thinking hard.

Just then, he ran down the stairs to get something to protect himself. He searched in the store room and found something useful.



"Luhan shii, don't let her control you. Fight it," Mi Young tried to talk to him but he was still in control.

Ara noticed Mi Young was saying something to Luhan and quickly snapped her fingers and said,"Finish her."

Luhan obeyed and raised both of his claws towards her. Mi Young closed her eyes and prepared what was going to her. She waited and waited but nothing happened. However, she heard Tao's loud voice,"How do you like that?!"

Everyone was startled to see Tao hitting Ara from behind which made her passed out.

"Tao ah!!" Chen called his name out.

"Is she dead?" Sehun asked.

Tao bent down and put his finger near her nose.

"I don't think so. She's passed out," Tao told them.

"Tao, we're glad to see you," Suho felt relieved that Tao had saved their lives.

Tao quickly released them while Mi Young called his name softly,"Luhan shii..?"

Luhan unexpectedly moved over to the side, felt ashamed at what he had done towards her. However the peace did not last long. Luhan felt that Ara had slowly woke up and was looking directly at both of them. Luhan hurriedly towards Ara and attacked her with gruesome which shocked all of them except for Mi Young who could not see what was happening.

He then fleed from the scene. The EXO members were stumped and shrudded at the gruesome scene. After he fleed from the scene, he never once came back to see them for a very long time.


Two years later, in a brand new house lived...

"Mi Young ah, good morning," Lay greeted her and kissed her on her cheek.

"Morning," She smiled sweetly.

Lay peered over her shoulder and asked,"Are you making my favourite food?"

She nodded and asked,"Have they all woken up?"

"Pretty much. Half of them are still waiting to take a bath," Lay chuckled.

Just then, Chanyeol came into the kitchen and embraced her from behind.

"Good morning, princess," Chanyeol said in charming voice with a dimple smile.

"Good morning to you too," Mi Young smiled back.

Chanyeol and Lay went to help her set up the table. The rest of the members were already seated and waited for their breakfast. Chen nudged D.O and whispered,"Isn't she pretty with those eyes?"

"Yeap. We should thank the eye donor for donating her those beautiful eyes," D.O smiled.

Kris overheard what they were talking about and said,"But she barely remembers us after the operation."

"True. But it's lucky she remembers all of us," Kai said.

Mi Young was impressed with herself with the spread of food on the table.

"What are you guys waiting for? Dig in," She said.

The EXO members grabbed the food and ate till they are full. She just watched them eating happily.


**I am sure everyone is curious what happened to Luhan, am I right? Let's go back to two years ago..**


Two years ago after that gruesome incident... Luhan had ran off towards the  thick forest and stood under the tree. He saw the blood stains on his body and felt regretted while thinking to himself *What have I done..? I..I..just killed Ara..with my own hands..*

He stayed there for a very long time and he felt disgusted with bloodied hands. Without him knowing, rain started to pour and it became a geavy downpour. He suddenly thought of Mi Young and remembered the look of her face when he was about to attack her with Ara controlling him.

*I messed up...And I did not have the guts to face her anymore...I just wished I am back to normal* Luhan cried to himself.

Just then, his first tear dropped to the ground as he made that wish. What he didn't know that he was under a magic wish tree. But the magic would only worked after a year.

For almost a year, Luhan was used to making the forest his home. Everyday, he would think of Mi Young and had wanted to see her but because of his nature, he turned that down.

A year had come and he started to feel different. And the transformation happened during the night before a new year started.

He woke up groggily and felt cold all of the sudden. He wrapped his body with his arms to warm him up but felt something missing. He looked down at his body and was shocked to see his normal human body. He looked at his arms touched his face.

"..I..I'm human again!!!" He exclaimed.

But the problem was he need to search for clothes to cover his cold body. He looked left and right and lucky for him, there was piece of clothes hanging outside the caravan. He rushed there and carefully snatched some clothes.


After he washed himself in the river and wore the clothes comfortably, he went to walk his way out to the city that he had left for a very long time. Once he reached the city, he smelled the fresh air and smiled to himself.

His next mission now was to meet Mi Young as well as the EXO members.


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